Bach Flower Remedy Rock Rose
Rock Rose is indicated for emergencies where there seems to be no hope, such as in cases of severe accidents or sudden illness, where intense fear or terror is present. It is used when someone is so frightened that they are immobilized or unresponsive, bringing courage and presence of mind.
“The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident serious or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the conditions is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy.” – Dr. Edward Bach
“Have Courage”
Keywords: Frozen fear, terror
Human indication: When you feel terror, or after a nightmare. The feeling that you cannot react or move.
Animal/pet indication: Terror, panic-stricken; body trembling, cowers or runs away. Deer in the headlights.
Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol
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Success Stories
Rock Rose Rocks
I have been using Rock Rose for years and it really works to decrease anxiety. It is gentle, safe, and easy to use.
Amazing. My daughters anxiety and panic attacks have just about gone away and is able to get sleep. So thankful!!!
Good for fears!
I used this to calm my cat, as suggested by my energy healer. It was helpful!

Prepare a Bach Flower Treatment Bottle
Prepare a Bach Flower treatment bottle: Add 2 drops of up to 7 remedies in a 30ml / 1oz treatment bottle. As preservative (optional) you can add 2 tsp. of brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin. Fill the remaining space with spring or mineral water. From this mixture you take 4 drops (or 2 sprays), 4 times a day until you feel better.
You can also add two drops in a glass of water and sip at intervals. If no water is available the Remedies can be taken undiluted either in the mouth, on the skin behind the ears or on the inside of the wrist.