Bach Flower Remedy Scleranthus
Scleranthus is indicated for individuals struggling with indecision and uncertainty, particularly when torn between two choices. These people often experience internal conflict and imbalance, and they tend to keep their struggles to themselves rather than seeking advice. The remedy helps to restore clarity and decisiveness, alleviating the mental confusion and emotional turmoil associated with indecision.
“Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They are usually quiet people, and bear their difficulty alone, as they are not inclined to discuss it with others.” – Dr. Edward Bach
“Be Decisive”
Keywords: Indecision, imbalance, uncertainty, dizziness
Human indication: When you suffer from indecision, particularly when faced with two choices.
Animal/pet indication: Animals who can’t make up their mind; any swinging behavior pattern (eats/doesn’t, sleeps a lot/no sleep).
Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol
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Prepare a Bach Flower Treatment Bottle
Prepare a Bach Flower treatment bottle: Add 2 drops of up to 7 remedies in a 30ml / 1oz treatment bottle. As preservative (optional) you can add 2 tsp. of brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin. Fill the remaining space with spring or mineral water. From this mixture you take 4 drops (or 2 sprays), 4 times a day until you feel better.
You can also add two drops in a glass of water and sip at intervals. If no water is available the Remedies can be taken undiluted either in the mouth, on the skin behind the ears or on the inside of the wrist.