All fear must be cast out; it should never exist in the human mind, and is only possible when we lose sight of our Divinity. It is foreign to us because as Sons of the Creator, Sparks of the Divine Life, we are invincible, indestructible and unconquerable. – Dr. Bach

A large collection of Bach Flower success stories and reviews for both people and pets and the use of Bach Flower products and Rescue Remedy collected over many years from around the world.

****Please submit your own success story****

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November 2023

A Remarkable Product
Using this formula for many many years, my wife is a Bach Practitioner and has been for many years. When feeling un-balanced in any way, Rescue Remedy comes to the Rescue And re-balances my system. We have both never been without it for the past 50 years plus. Thanks to Dr Bach.
-Mario, TX

October 2023

I purchased Bach Clarity of Mind Kit to help me with my ADD symptoms. I must say it has been working quite well for me. I made up a batch in a 30ml bottle and take 4 drops 4 x a day. I feel more alert and calmer. I would rather use Bach Flower Essences than medication!
-Diane, NY

September 2023

The Trauma with breaking my femur bone and the horrors of dragging myself to get to my phone. The pain and extreme shock to my system was very overwhelming. Bach Flowers alters the frequencies which really helped me overcome a sense of PTSD. I’m very aware of my body and thinking, this Essence contributed a lot to that nightmarish experience.
-Athena, TX

Excellent product!
My daughter introduced me to Rescue Remedy in 2007, when my best friend passed away. She gave me a few drops in water when I went to his viewing, it was like taking a tranquilizer, but I was thrilled that it was all natural. I bought some for my daughter as she is very stressed in making a long move across the state.
-Barry, FL

August 2023

We love Rescue Remedy
Rescue Remedy is extremely helpful. As a trainer, I feel good about our customers using this to help their dogs to overcome their fears and anxiety. I use this for my own dogs and educate owners on this product daily. Highly Recommended!
-Amanda, OH

July 2023

Star of Bethlehem Really Works
I got this for my daughter who is going through a period of intense grief after the death of her best friend. Her emotions were very extreme before, but afterwards, though still grieving, she is able to move through her emotions better. I am so thankful I purchased this product for her. I was not sure it would help but had an open mind. It really does help! She is calmer, thought of course still grieving.
-Phyllis, VA

May 2023

Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts
These little drops are just what I need for the occasional insomnia due to my mind racing. They work great for me.
-Renee, VA

April 2023

Essence of Love
I love the effects of the Bach Chicory essence. It’s been gradual rather than sudden, but I’m finding that my capacity to experience unconditional love is expanding and deepening. I’m very grateful.
-Naomi, CA

March 2023

Great Products
Have been using Bach Remedies for a year are so, we have tried different Remedies and they all have helped me and my Son. They really do work for your emotions and they do calm you. Not saying they work for everyone but they do help us. Customer Service is excellent thank you so much Tina for our talks. I do recommend giving Bach Remedies a try if you want a natural approach to health!
-Deb, WI

It was a wonderful course and a joy to take.
Bettina, Thank you so much. It was a wonderful course and a joy to take. I have been using Rescue Remedy for years on my horses. Since beginning the course we have started to use a few of the remedies in our home and look forward to trying more and making up combos of the flowers for specific difficulties that we experience. Thank you again for this course.
Kindly, Mindy

November 2022

Forgive and Forget
The first indication that something was happening was I was able to sleep well again. It’s been years of taking meds for insomnia and anxiety of and on and in a matter of days, without meds or drinking I finally was able to sleep. I couldn’t believe it and my family couldn’t either. I was drinking every day and now no desire. The inflammation in my body has decreased. My appetite for healthy foods has taken precedence in my life. I’m journaling again after decades of not writing, I started walking for exercise. How I’m relating to my family and how they relate to me is completely different in the most positive way. I am going to post this same review for each of the products that were in my blend because I don’t know which of any of them is responsible or if it is simply the collective application. All I can say for sure is, it works for me. So grateful.

October 2022

Rescue Sleep let’s you get to sleep
I’ve been using Rescue Sleep for some time. It has helped me sleep better and longer clearing my mind of today and tomorrow’s schedule. On the occasional times when I do wake up during the night, a few more doses and I’m back to sleep till morning.
-Carol, WI

September 2022

I place 4 drops (Rescue Remedy) in my cat’s water when I notice that she is feeling anxious. She drinks the water no problem throughout the day. I have also given this to my dog when a thundershower rolls in and it helps put her at ease, too. It is a great product to keep on hand.
This tincture (White Chestnut) works wonderfully to calm my mind and feelings of anxiety. All you need is 2 drops on the tongue at the onset of anxious feelings. Take more in an hour if needed. This is a beautiful product.
-June, AZ

December 2021

Vervain works well for both ourselves and our cat, leaving us calm and more relaxed. Your customer service people are very pleasant and helpful.
-Lila Park, SC

November 2021

WOW WOW WOW 😮! I used Bach Flowers for the first time ever (with the wonderful guidance from Bettina). From day 1, there has been progress! I’m completely floored! The teacher called to tell me my elementary school child hasn’t had any negative interactions with classmates. It’s been a month since. 😌 My child used to throw objects, throw self on the ground, run away, yell, etc. She said now it’s more normal sized reaction with quicker recoveries. I couldn’t believe it, but believe it I do! So I decided to buy the full set because of course there are still more layers of healing to go. I love that I have the full set and can customize the treatment bottle on the fly for different people. Also, I love that I can take it with me when I travel and have it handy.
Love that the Rescue remedy is a pastille. One can give these to a child in the middle of a tantrum and watch the tantrum die down quickly. My child likes this flavor.
-Grateful customer

July 2021

My husband and I have been trying to cope with a lot of empathetic stress for family and friends and we have used the drops to ease our minds and help us sleep and it has helped us relax and get better sleep. Good sleep is a big help to our daily stress and we are pleased to find a good product like this!
-Paula Thatcher, R.N., HN-BC, IN

I have used these Sleep Liquid melts for years. Whenever I am having trouble falling asleep I take 2 and night night!!!
-Barbara Boyce, FL

June 2021

I bought sweet chestnut, white chestnut and scleranthus as I felt stressful and just went through something real bad. The third day I used them, I felt my life enlightened. I really want to thank god brings it to me. Thank you.
-Bixin H

My therapist recommended that I try these [Rescue Sleep Melt] as a drug-free alternative to help with my sleep issues. I had no idea that these would be so effective so quickly. About 20 minutes after I take one, I drift peacefully to sleep, and stay asleep. Using these means that I’ve been sleeping through the night, instead of constantly waking up to toss and turn. I’ve told my sister and her partner about them as well, and they’re thrilled with how well they work! I cannot recommend them highly enough!
-Emily Schneider. MD

Aspen Definitely works!
Have noticed subtle positive changes in my mood within the first week! Definitely works!
-Erin Gadol, NY

I’m dealing with a lot of stress these days. Rescue Remedy helps me manage daily stress and aggravation. I also take it before driving.
I started using Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts a couple of weeks ago and have been sleeping better even during a stressful time.
-Deanna Chevas, CA

Great Company
I order all of my Bach Flower remedies through Directly from Nature. The site is great; the service is too. The process smooth and delivery is fast. I use the Bach book to test myself about every 3 weeks and change my doses accordingly. This got me thru the pandemic and I will never stop.
-Dana Roberson, TX

November 2020

I fight with anxiety really bad. Especially social anxiety where I get actual physical symptoms, very shaky hands to be specific. My heart also beats really fast and hard, I feel like I’m going to pass out. So embarrassing! Rescue Remedy has helped me get through 3 different occasions in the past few weeks. It’s actually weird as I don’t know how it works but somehow it makes my mind stop thinking about it and the next thing I know, I’m talking and forget about being anxious. I’m scared to use it to much because I don’t want it to stop working if my body gets used to it. I just save it for important meetings that I have to attend. Yes, the taste is horrible but who cares! My anxiety episodes are hell, I’ll take the taste anytime.
-Kim Ribley, MO

I suffered from panic attacks, and my NP wanted me to go on antidepressants, I don’t like nor want to become dependent on a pharmaceutical drug. I heard about your Rescue Pearls through a group chat and I decided to try them. I’ve never looked back. Literally worked like a miracle. With healthy eating, exercise and rescue pearls I’ve found my way out of the dark. I love that they’re all natural too. So thank you so much for helping me get back to myself.
-Stacey Hebert

May 2020

I love this product (Rescue Remedy). It’s helped me more than anything else with dealing with my anxiety and am so grateful it exists. It was delivered in a timely manner and exactly what I ordered. Thanks!
-Eden B, Brooklyn, NY

I have been using Bach Flower essences for years for myself and my animals. It never ceases to amaze me how well they work in adjusting our attitudes to a more positive state. Also Directly from Nature is a great place to order from, I received every order on time and without any problems. I will continue to order from this company!
-Diane Peterson, Celoron, NY

A Whole Lot of Change Going On
I normally use Walnut to help with seasonal allergies as I noticed they get worse when the seasons change. I am finding it is also helping me right now with all the social and health changes that are happening in the world. The information available on the Directly from Nature website and that accompanies the product you receive is very helpful. Ordering was easy and efficient. I intend to continue to order from them.
Debra Austin-Brecher, Redlands, CA

Rescue Cream
I use this on clients with muscle spasms and/ muscle tension at the beginning of a massage and it works very well! Makes my job as a medical massage therapist so very much easier.
Viola Marie Lozito, Claremont, NH

Rescue Sleep
These have helped me calm my mind and get a good night sleep! Life saver!
– Lizzy

Rescue Remedy Pet
Have been using this for years for my Yorkie. I give him three drops in his water every morning. Episodes are few and far between at this point, and much less severe when they do occur. I also keep vanilla ice cream on hand to stop any seizures that may happen. A breeder told me this years ago and it works. Better than prescription use for sure. I have recommended this to several people over the years.
-Gordon’s Mom, Seattle WA

April 2020

I had a friend turn me onto the Rescue Remedy. She and I ride horses and during competition it helps with focus.
-Steven Lloyd, Jefferson City, TN

November 2019

Rescue Remedy Kids
Strangely enough , I used this product myself as it has no alcohol and found a very solid calmness. I am impressed!
-Victoria, Fort Worth, TX

June 2019

Rescue Remedy
I use this mainly for my dog who is hyperactive. I too take it occasionally if I get a little stressed. It calms my dog and seems to help me. I avoid pharmaceutical products as much as I possibly can and, at the age or 85+ years only take one such and that for reflux.
-Ian Gardner, Maleny, Queensland Australia

Have been using this for my silky terrier for a few years now, as a preventative measure. Just three drops in his water each day and he remains seizure free with only minor episodes from time to time. Worth every penny for us.
Gordon’s Mom, Gig Harbor, WA

I adore my new storage box for my remedies. Everything feels so much safer in a wooden box than the original box I had and looks perfect. The bottles fit nicely, there is a listing of the names on the cover, and there is even a place to put mixing bottles for use.
-Patricia Wallenburg, Kennesaw, GA

April 2019

I like the ease of the pastilles. Just the act of sucking on it and breathing works well together. Focus with intention.
Older cat with health issues–numerous trip back and forth, RR in water and on ears and paws help keep her anxiety on a more even level. Works well for firework holidays also.
I have bottles all over. Dealing with animals, and children, it works wonders. A little extra insurance when dealing with what life throws at you. Calm and relaxed.
-Mari U, Spokane, WA

February 2019

I am currently taking medication that makes it difficult to fall asleep. The RESCUE Plus sleep gummies have solved that problem.

We have used the Rescue Remedy over the years with great success. It does not make the dogs sleepy, only calmer and better able to cope with stressful situations or noise.
-Deborah D Freeman, Anchorage, AK

December 2018

This is the preparation I prefer for myself and my dogs when stress is present. I like the taste, ease of handling using the dropper and placing liquid product under the tongue in humans. And for the dogs, they get their own box. I keep several boxes on hand as this works great for myself and my canine friends. I have a first aid kit for both myself and my dogs as it is my go-to stress reliever for all of us. I would like to see a 50ml bottle for those of us that need more in the household. Price is a little high for what you get, 20ml of product.
-Lori Townsend, Collins, MO

My cats react perfectly to Rescue Remedy. They calm down and settle. I love it and they do too!!
-Wendy Fletcher

September 2018

Have used Bach’s Rescue Remedy and Sleep Remedy for years since first seeing it on Dr Oz What a gentle, natural and pleasant way to calm frayed nerves or drift off (or back to) sleep. Thanks so much!
-Leslie, Texas

Our dog is terrified of thunder and fireworks. When these occur we give her several vials into her mouth. In about 15 minutes she starts to calm down. If you know its coming (weather reports or local announcements about fireworks) we give it to her before it starts so she can be more calm during this stressful time.
-Stony Point, NY

Rescue Sleep Melts
I have been using your products for years and have found this one and Rescue Remedy so helpful. I have recommended them to others who also find them helpful. It is great to find a healthy and natural remedy for today’s overwhelming anxiety and sleeplessness.
-Violet Henighan, Philadelphia, PA

August 2018

Rescue Spray
My young granddaughter (10yrs) suffers from extreme anxiety attacks. I gave her the Rescue Spray and the Rescue Sleep melts and both have helped a lot. She is able to administer either or both of these when she feels an attack coming on. If nothing else, this gives her the feeling of control—that she can do something herself to try to manage her attacks. We’ve already made a second purchase!! We have recommended the products to a friend whose young son (7yrs) also has anxiety and he’s using them now too.

I bought the Rescue Cream after minor surgery to speed up healing and minimize scarring. It seemed to do both. Now I use it for cracked skin, cuts, and abrasions. It seems to improve the healing process.
-Eugene, OR

July 2018

Our rescue dog Lucy has severe separation anxiety. When we got her she was taking human anti anxiety drugs…up to 3 per day. But they didn’t work. We were so happy to be told about Bach’s Flowers. What a difference!
-Danny, Wooster, Ohio

May 2018

My daughter when she was about 7 was playing in the garden and fell off the swing. She landed on her hands. She let out the most awful scream, went as white as a sheet and looked like she was going to faint. Straight away I gave her Rescue Remedy. I kept giving it to her as I got her sorted out to go to The accident department of local hospital. By the time we saw the doctor they could believe how calm she was and almost didn’t x Ray both her wrists. They did and it turned out she had broken them both, but throughout she was calm and relaxed and felt she didn’t need much pain relief!
-Catherine G.

August 2017 

Hornbeam has helped me to find my get up and go again! I have been able to complete projects that I would have normally let sit. It is not overwhelming to take, nor does it make you feel anxious. You simply have a desire to get it done. I love the energy I feel and the joy of getting things accomplished.
-Andrea from Chicago, IL

June/July 2017 

My 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter have pretty bad anxiety. It runs in the family, so not unexpected. We didn’t expect it to manifest this young, however. For over a year, bed times for our boy have been a NIGHTMARE. We’d play the game…put him in bed, he gets up, put him back, gets up again. put a baby gate in the door, he screams and has a panic attack…every night for a year. I teach school. My husband is a full time student on top of working full time as well. We needed our nights to get things done. On the recommendation of a good friend, we decided to try the flower remedies. This is the one we chose for our kids. There are others, but this one is what we decided to try. We mix it in water and our kids get their ‘magic water’ twice a day. Bedtime is a breeze 90% of the time now. The other 10%, we give them a straight drop and then they go to bed just fine. Definitely becoming a household staple!!
-Payson, UT

Ordered several of the Bach Flower treatments for anxiety and took the combination as soon as they arrived. Within a few minutes felt myself becoming calmer and my mind cleared. Felt so much better. Able to relax.
-Lynnwood, WA

My purchase came very quickly… time for the 4th of July which is why I wanted it to use for my cat who in years past suffers great emotional stress from fireworks. This was recommended to me by a friend. I started putting it in his water 3 days prior and also using EFT on him. The combination of the two gave him the most terror free year of his 8 years. He only ran and hid once in the middle of the worst noise but quickly returned to me. This is a wonderful help as he has a lot of other fears as well.
-Natalie from East Bridgewater, MA

I like that the RR has no scent, but my cat doesn’t seem to mind it either way. I’ve used a little on his ears but mostly I just put it in his food and water. He has seemed more in the moment, more cheerful lately since I’ve been giving him the Bach’s. I am less worried about him, and I have been recommending Rescue Remedy to everyone on Facebook who complains about the fireworks and their pet. 🙂
I did not like the smell, it was kind of boozy, but my 14 year old kitty has perked up since I’ve been putting this (Honeysuckle) in his water. He lost a companion and I worried, so I ordered this and the Rescue Remedy. He seems to be more cheerful, missing her less.
-Penny from Stockton, CA

This product works well for our dog. Whenever there was a thunderstorm, she had to come in the house (she is usually an outside dog) and spent to whole time shaking and panting … with excessive drooling. I now give her four drops of this and she does much better. She still have to come inside, but she is no way near as stressed as before … no shaking and the panting so hard.
-Janet, Drayton Valley, AB Canada

March 2017 

My husband uses the Rescue Cream on his face when it gets itchy, dry and flaky. It is the only thing that he has found that helps his skin condition.
-Danville, VA

My daughter is alcohol-sensitive so I purchased Rescue Remedy and Cherry Plum from your site. She used Rescue before she performed at a wedding this past weekend and was amazed at how composed she was (compared to her normal anxiety). Glad to find a site with all Bach remedies in alcohol-free form.
-Carol from Cleveland, GA

February 2017 

Rescue Plus A Stress Complex saved the day
This is a remarkable product – found it in Whole Foods once. Had a business opportunity last summer, but was reluctant to drive over an hour to the unfamiliar location. Took one lozenge, and in 15 minutes I was backing out of my driveway, MapQuest directions in hand, with no concern about finding the site. Amazing! I hardly ever use it, but just having a few lozenges in my purse gives me confidence that I’ll have it in an emergency if I need it.
-Hoboken, NJ

I LOVE your Rescue Cream. I’ve used it since the early 2000s on the recommendation of a friend and it’s become a fixture in my medicine cabinet. I use it on itchy insect bites, scrapes, bruises and any other skin problem that might occur. I get almost instant relief! What a fantastic product! Thank you! 😀
-Donna from Avon, IN

January 2017 

I was looking for something natural for my cat with some anxiety issues. I tried Rescue Remedy and after a couple days I noticed an improvement with a majority of his symptoms. I will be purchasing more. I’m a believer!!

October 2016 

My 16 year old daughter loves Rescue Sleep. The Night Liquid Melts help her fall asleep quickly and easily. I love the Rescue Pastilles! They are flavorful and fun to chew. But best of all, Rescue Pastilles really reduce the effects of stress!
-Denise from Saint Clairsville, OH

Recently purchased the Rescue Remedy for my little dog who gets very nervous when riding in the car. The Rescue Remedy is really helping her….I have just purchased a larger bottle.
-Patterson from Tuscon AZ

September 2016

I own 3 cats, each with their own personal issues…my granddaughter and daughter moved back home and brought their cat. This now makes 4 cats and mine did not accept the last arrival at all. I started to give them the Rescue for pets and things did settle down some. I have since ordered some different bottles that correspond with the attitudes they have been displaying. It obviously is working as they all hang in the same room all at once now. This was not happening at all. The hissing has lessened. I am pleased to see how fast their mood has changed to the better.
-Chris from Saugerties, NY

Purchased Crab Apple for my rescue cat who has developed a dermatitis on his back…I wanted a balance between the vet’s script and something more gentle and natural. Just a few drops in his water….he’s still drinking…maybe not scratching/pulling his fur out as much. I was pleased with the quick delivery service. Thanks
-Juliana, Australia

September 2016

My daughter has major panic attacks sometimes and extreme emotional a highs. She is allergic to benzodiazepines and the Rescue Remedy is a great alternative.
-Roy from UT

August 2016

I purchased the Rescue Remedy for Pets. The immediate results experienced borders on miraculous! My itchy/lickey/self destructive Scotty dog can finally relax. A few drops on a treat and her angst disappears almost immediately. She is able to calm down and relax. This sort of anxious behavior effects the whole family – we couldn’t be happier with the results! Honestly words can’t express. I’ve already recommended this product to a co-worker and have ordered two more bottles to keep on hand. I never want to be without this product as long as my Scotty needs it. BTW: There have been no bad side-effects. She has energy and interest in good things now like going for walks and actually enjoying being a dog!
-Melissa from Endicott, NY

August 2016

As a small business that does cageless boarding, this product does wonders for the frightened dogs during thunderstorms and fireworks. My business is located in Florida and thunderstorms are a daily in the summer months.
-Nancy Kane, Cape Coral, FL

July 2016

This worked so great for our bully cat! They cats have been in the same house for years when all of a sudden one cat would bully one of the other ones. We have 4- there was only a problem with the same 2 so I got vine for the bully and larch for the one that was being bullied. Because she was scared to go upstairs or she would get cornered. Vine helps the bully cat not want to go after the other cat. We rub it in the inside of her ears. It works great. She doesn’t have the need to bully her anymore.
-Jennifer from Kansas City

July 2016

Rescue Remedy.
I loved this product for my 4lb Pomeranian! She spent years panicking during storms until we found this and now i can share it with my customers. Thank you for the wonderful service.
-Kelsey from MO

June 2016

Awesome product that helps me focus when competing.
I race professional barrel horses and needed something to keep me calm and focused so my horse was able to do his job! This product works really well, a couple wins was all it took to make me a full believer! I now have others using the rescue spray and loving the results.
-Shelly Shield, TX

June 2016

Rescue remedy is the real deal.
This has basically given me my life back. I have ptsd this helps me to just get out of the house and do normal things again.
-Michael from Indian Head, MD

May 2016

Hi Bettina . . .

Just have to tell ya . . . You know, we were talking yesterday evening – I agreed with you on my giving the Rescue Remedy Cream at least a week to see actual improvement.

I had told you I had been mixing the cream with some serum I was using to calm down the sting – Well, last night was about the 4th evening into using the cream half strength, but after cleansing my face well, I applied the Rescue Remedy Cream straight AND BINNNGGGOOO!!!  IT DID NOT STING!!!  That told me the cream had already healed my skin enough for me to be able to apply it full strength.  So, when I first woke up this morning, as normal, I quickly touched my skin to see how dry it was.

BINGO0000000!!!!!!!  THIS IS THE FIRST DAY IN at least 4 months that IT WAS NOT PATCHY CRUSTY DRY or stinging RED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT a RELIEF!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so much for your help in pointing me to the correct product!  You said yesterday evening you had a feeling I was going to be getting good results soon!

You WERE SO CORRECT!!  I actually can’t wait because now I’m using it all over my face and looking forward to improving things I didn’t really know could improve.  I’m hopeful the skin under my eye will continue to improve even more than just the patchy roughness I was having!

Don’t worry, I’m ordering more soon!

Hugs and God Bless!

Follow Up: (Cyndy did have a set back after a few days, but she kept using the Rescue Cream and after a few days the skin was back to normal again. (Bettina))

May 2016

Wow, I can’t believe how well it worked!!

As someone who suffers from PTSD, Depression and Anxiety, I was not sure this was going to help. A fellow mental health friend recommended it and I talked to my therapist about taking it with my prescription medication. She told me it would not hurt but no promises. The first time I took it was for a family event, which always causes my anxiety to go up. Something happened that in the past would have had me in tears. Instead I was able to stay in control and not show my emotions. I have used it twice since then and truly find it makes such a big difference. I wish I knew about this earlier!!
-CC from NY

May 2016

I have two Bengals and was very concerned about our move to a new home (especially since the male – during trial runs to the new house – exhibited severe anxiety, but only when he visited WITH his sister. When she was in the house, he acted like she was a stray cat he’d never seen before and exhibited never-before-seen behavior: swatting, hissing, growling at her). For two week before the move, we put both of them on Rescue Remedy and the male only on Walnut… And while the first 1.5 days were intense (with him swatting and hissing and being aggressive with his sister), by day two, he was back to normal. What should be noted is that he was calm DURING the move — something rare, as he is the kind of cat that jumps when a sock is on the floor. Even with the entire old house emptied, he took things in stride. And now, he seems HAPPY and has adjusted to his new space in only two days. I’m thrilled!
-Melissa – AZ

April 2016

I am writing to let you know how much I LOVE your Rescue Remedy.  We live in a very small, very rural town and when we travel to visit family, it requires a 6 hour drive to San Francisco and a long flight to the east coast.  I start taking some drops before we even get in the car and then repeat for the duration of the trip.  It helps me soooo much to stay calm while all of the stresses of travel bombard us.  I am a much nicer person because of Rescue Remedy.  (My best friend even sneakily gave me some at my wedding, another lifesaving moment).  P.S.  I tell everyone I know how much I love (and rely on) your product!
-Emily H.

December 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would just like to say a huge thank you to you as in June this year I went to undertake my A level exams and I suffer from anxiety. My general practitioner would not provide me with any solution as I also had asthma. I started to look for over-the-counter medication in the pharmacy and I came across Bach’s Rescue Remedy. I tried this product and it was such a GOD SEND as I was able to stay calm during my exams and not feel drowsy at all. Due to anxiety, in my first year of A levels I achieved BCCD due to anxiety. However, in the second year of A Levels, I achieved A*A*A and I must commend your product for my success. Without Bach’s Rescue Remedy, I don’t think I would have achieved these results.

I cannot express my gratitude enough and I am sorry if this email was a waste of your time, but I did not know who to thank and I really just wanted to let you how much I appreciate your product and it truly saved my academic life.

Regards, Dhruv

December 2015

I’ve been a fan of Rescue Remedy since the 80’s and was thrilled to find this product. Perfect for my chapped lips (Rescue Balm) with the colder weather and drier air in the house. I’ve used it on dry, cracked skin too and it soothes and heals. Not greasy, no artificial scent. Love all the RR products and think no home should be without them.
-Maran, NH

October 2015

One of our dogs suffers from severe anxiety in inclement weather. We have tried everything, including prescribed anti-anxiety pills, that took hours to help ease her symptoms. Tried Rescue Remedy and within minutes she’s completely calm. We couldn’t be happier. Thanks!!!

September 2015

I have been using this cream for many years and recently talked my husband into trying it for some dry patches on his forehead. It cleared up the patches in short order and he uses it consistently now without being reminded.

August 2015

I was really impressive with how well the Crab Apple for pets worked. My cat was constantly licking and cleaning herself. I noticed a dramatic improvement after a few days of adding just a few drops to her dry food. The obsessive grooming really decreased – she still cleans herself, but now she’s more balanced. Will definitely purchase again!

July 2015

Rescue Remedy helped immensely

I did not believe it would do much, but we definitely experienced much less anxiety and calm doggies than usual on the 4th of July. They slept at first and it was just better than them working themselves up. Thank you!

May 2015

Hello –

I have chronic breathing  discomfort that goes along with an achy upper back. It’s never been diagnosed as none of my physicians or natural doctors are sure of what is causing it and nothing we’ve tried has helped. This morning for the first time I took 4 drops of the Rescue Remedy and it’s almost gone, within about 30 min time! Unbelievable.
Thank you.
-Jennifer R.

My boxer had just started having seizures almost everyday. Now that he has been on Rescue Remedy he has been bounding around like a puppy. No seizures! He wasn’t getting up in the morning and now he prances to the door. I am so grateful for this product and will be ordering products for myself also. Thank you, thank you!
-R. B. Canada

February 2015

Our dog is a retired Military Working Dog that served his country overseas. He traveled to the US for competitions and always had grueling flights to his destination. He doesn’t like to travel anymore, because I think he relives the stresses of his career. We used rr for this last trip and he was relaxed and enjoyed the trip immensely. He was a completely different dog.

January 2015

I had 2 older female cats and brought in 1 younger male stray (who I had been working with outside for one year to trust me. poor thing was always beaten up) —- I had him neutered and thought that would calm him down. (He wants to play and the older gals were not having it!) Started using Bach Flower Remedy for animals on their treats and what do you know…. everyone is getting along — They actually walk by each other with no hissing or growling. – which reminds me I need to buy more!

December 2014

Hello Bach,

I wanted to share with you on how much I love your rescue gum. I was in whole foods and bumped into your package and wanted to give it a shot, and wow, life saving!!! You blow all the other wanna be stress reliever out of the water!!!  I work in NYC and wow NY minute is really like 1000 seconds at once, but after I found your product, it’ll never get bad again. That reminds me I need to go back and stock up for the season… oouuu maybe this will be this years holidays gifts to my family and friends, I can’t wait till my family and friends try it! You guys are the best!
Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
-Vera B.

October 2014

I have had excellent results from daily use of Hornbeam, Wild Oat, Walnut, and Wild Rose. Before using these products I felt tired and listless, could not get my priorities in order, ignored what was going on around me, and lacked the will and strength to do anything about it. Now I look forward to the day, am energized, and clear headed. I noted positive results within a couple of days. I would highly recommend Directly From Nature products.
-Jessup, MD

August 2014

Hi there,

Just a little feedback on Rescue Remedy. AMAZING STUFF!!!!

I am a very skeptical person, so imagine my wariness of a product like this. I tried it first on my dog, who absolutely hates thunderstorms, with the lightning and thunder. I give her a few drops as a storm approaches, and it calms her right down.

As for me, I suffer from panic attacks and stress. Grew tired of prescription drugs for anxiety, so I thought what the heck, for 15 bucks I would try Rescue Remedy.

I just sit here in disbelief that this stuff worked for me! RR Instantly calms me down when I feel a panic attack coming on and gets me thru it. I like it because it is natural and not habit forming. I now take it as soon as I feel panic coming on and it seems to put the brakes on it from even starting!!!!

You have a new customer and a believer right now!  It is just so hard to believe that this product was right under my nose all this time. I am SO thankful that one day a clerk in the health food store recommended it to me, and I will share with my friends what a great product RR is. Thank you for something to believe in that actually works!

July 2014

Hi all at Rescue Remedy,

Hope you are all having a lovely time in the sunny weather! I would like to thank all of you for all the hard work you do! I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and over the past month of using rescue remedy day and night droppers, and I have noticed a huge visible and mental change in being more relaxed instead of worrying and having panic attacks all the time! It has made my life 100% better!

Thank you all so so much

 Many Thanks
-Kylie G.

June 2014

Hi there,

 I just want to say how wonderful your products are. I’ve been using Bach Flower remedies for over 25 years and they are just superb!
The pastilles help me in all stressful situations and even some of my co-workers.
Thank You for a wonderful product!!

June 2014

I just wanted to write to tell you how much your product, Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets has helped my little 12 year old female cat. Recently, she had started to exhibit behavior issues that she hadn’t before. Stressful, fretting, very skittish, (more than usual), fear, and she would bolt at the slightest movement or sound in the room. She also started fearing rain and thunderstorms for the first time in her life. All of this “stress” resulted in her over grooming to the point of multiple bald spots all over her body. I had her checked for everything including allergies but my vet concluded it was the “beginning of kitty senility”. She prescribed an anti-anxiety medication that made me nervous to give to her. It didn’t help at all. I then began researching online for a natural alternative and found your product. I was happy to see that you made a pet version of your popular Rescue Remedy formula. After a few days of tweeking the dosage, I see a dramatic improvement in her behavior. I am very pleased with the results! She no longer bolts from the room and is back to basking in the sun instead of hiding under the bed all day. She had also stopped eating, sometimes for days at a time, she is now eating again. Thank you for a wonderful product! I couldn’t be more pleased with her results! I have my little girl back!!
Sue (Wisconsin)

May 2014

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to let you know how much your product has helped me over the last few years. Originally we brought the product to give to our rescue dog. She suffered from anxiety in the rain that sometimes kept the whole family up all night. After a suggestion from our vet, we used the Rescue spray before bed and found that she was calmer (and so were we).

I have also struggled from stress and have had panic attacks during driving lessons that put me off going behind the wheel. I tried the Liquid melts and would love to try more Bach products as they have made life a lot easier for myself and my family.
Thank you for a fantastic product
-Sabrina C., South England

March 6, 2014

I just want to say THANK YOU for such quality products. I have loved everything I’ve tried, the latest being Rescue Sleep & Rescue Pastilles. It is so nice to be able to depend on products that come through exceptionally well on what they say they do. I’m a customer for life as well as friends and family I’ve introduced to your great products. Keep up the great work. Thanks again
-Vivian Bushnell

February 26, 2014


I have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever 3.5 yrs old and he has been experiencing Gran Mal Seizures for the last year. It started out as 1 every 2 months and has gotten worse to 2.5 weeks. His last episode was a nasty cluster of 6 back to back. I took him to a holistic vet for acupuncture and she gave me some Rescue Remedy. I have been giving him that for about 1 week and today he had a seizure, milder but still a seizure. This Rescue Remedy seemed to help pull him out of the seizure. I gave him several drops in his mouth while seizing. I really like the product and will continue to use.
Thanks Much!

November 27, 2013

Just ONE of your pastilles got me through a dental visit today which I was dreading. I can’t thank you enough! I’d had a sample packet from the local health show almost a year ago, and this was the occasion to put it to the test.
-Pat B.

October 22, 2013


Thank you!  I’m doing what you told me and I’m starting to  feel great, with enthusiasm, for being in my destination without hesitation.. GOD bless you and my dearly friend who introduce me to this miracle products. I know I’m gonna be surprise at myself of how in control and how good, and pleasant I’m gonna be in the plane…thank you thousand times!!!

Yesterday before starting this products i start crying and telling my friend that i wanted to cancel the trip, terrified…but TODAY is a different whole story!

My husband max is waiting for me there…

Thank you again Bettina! all my blessings for doing this to me.. i have being dealing with this since 17 and I’m 42…and so many years stopped traveling, I mean I had a serious thing, BUT NOT ANYMORE, with this and my faith and courage I’m gonna make it!

Thank you again! xoxoxoxo

September 29, 2013

Hi Bettina, I had a lovely time in Malta and thanks to your recommendation of what to take to settle my worry, the flight was great.

Many thanks for your help.

September 2013

Dear Bettina, I just wanted to update you on our cat’s condition. Things are really improving. Amppy’s demeanor is much improved; she is more confident, less anxious, and definitely happier. After some trial and error, I am giving her two drops of Rescue Remedy and one drop of Mimulus with her morning meal and with her evening meal. It seems to be the perfect amount to keep her from being overly skittish, but not lethargic.

Finally, she is starting to use her litter box again (Thank God!) altho not perfect, but most of the time, which makes us feel like things are getting back to normal. She seems to be able to survive having the other cat in the house, as long as they are not in the same area. It is like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders (and from ours, too!)

I want to thank you for your help and support. Your company is just amazing. I will certainly recommend your products to my friends. Again, thanks!

July 2013

Hi thought you might like to know how much your product helped both mum and daughter before her big day, really helped us keep it together — so much so we took a photo!!

Yours with thanks
-Elaine Watts

June 2013

This would be a testimonial of sorts.

I do not know if you are aware of another use for RESCUE REMEDY, that I found, that literally saved my sanity.
Long, sad story short, I found myself suffering from severe withdrawals from opiates, anxiety medications, and a couple more narcotics. I somehow remembered how RR had helped previously, and found some.
When depression, obsession, and suicide was all that occupied my thoughts, RR came to the rescue, literally. It subdued all those thoughts and kept me from acting on them. Now, three years later, the effects of all those drugs are still with me to some degree and when I feel the emotions are ‘over the top’ it is RR I reach for now. The intensity of opiate withdrawals is devastating. The almost instant relief from RR can only be experienced to understand.

Thank you again for your assistance.

May 2013

A Rescue Remedy success story. Actually, two for one! We are on a business trip/vacation. I am extremely scared of heights and get very disoriented. We headed to Las Vegas and going through all the mountains I could not enjoy the scenery for being so scared and panicky. I totally forgot about using my Rescue Remedy in my purse. On the way back home I started using it (a double dose) and was very calm through the mountains! I still was scared but did not have the panicky feelings. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a sea level of 7000 feet, my 16 year old son started getting a little panicky over the difficulty in breathing. I gave him 4 drops of rescue remedy, in fact all three of us took a dose, and he immediately calmed down and had no more problems! My husband, who did all the driving, said “get them both a bottle to keep in their pockets”!
Thanks Bach Remedies!!
-Glenda Landry Collard

March 2013

I have used Bach Original Flower Essences Rescue Remedy on my cat for years for traveling across country. A little on the tips of his ears and he’s good to go. This is the best “stuff” and I have recommended it to everyone I know.

Our cat is 13 years old, in great health and tolerates our 2700 mile trip just fine with your product.

Thank you
-Carolyn L.

Good Morning,

First off I would just like to thank you for making such an amazing product (Rescue remedy). I personally have been using your product for several years. I was introduced over 3 years ago by my mom. I had a very stressful job at that time and it helped me immensely during stressful times. I have also now made my boyfriend a fan of your product as well. He works as a Manager on a construction site and it is a very stressful job. He also has a very short fuse and this has got him into heated situation that could have been avoided. I introduced him to the Rescue remedy spray about a year ago. At first he was very reluctant about taking it, so I told him to take it with him to work in his brief case and to take a spray the next time he felt stressed. Well the rest is history…. He loves it and uses it all the time. He has actually had many compliments from some of his employees, colleagues, and other owners asking him what had changed in his life because he handled work situations in a much calmer manner.

His mom has also personally thanked me for introducing it to him. Normally when the two of them get together he is very anxious and standoff ish due to events that happened in their past. The past few times that they have got together (He takes a spray before he goes) it has been a very good visit. She actually asked him what he was doing different and so he told her about the spray. I received a phone call five minutes after he left the last time from his mom thanking me for introducing him to the spray and wanting to know where she could pick some up for herself. I have introduced the spray to a couple of girlfriends that were going through breakups, my boss, and two girlfriends that were having really bad mood swings in early pregnancy.  This product is amazing!!!!!
-Kris Z, Winnipeg MB Canada

Flower Essence helped my Kindergartener

I have been having a very difficult time with my daughter who is a young Kindergartner and started school in Sept. 12.  The teacher complained about her defiant behavior, lack of social skills  with her peers, running around the classroom and having major tantrums EVERY SINGLE DAY in school.  I have addressed the issues with her teacher and spoken to all parties in her school to get her some help.  I have had many sleepless nights worrying about my child.  I was afraid her behavior in the classroom would affect her self esteem and her academic achievements.  I was worried she will never be put into Grade 1 and I wanted to take her out and homeschool her.

I found out about Bach Flower Essence whilst I was researching for some non medicated help for her.  I spoke with Bettina, whom not only helped me with a recommendation of the essence to use, but was someone I felt instantly connected to as she gave me guidance and advise and lent a supporting ear to my problems.

In Feb 21, 2013 I started giving my daughter as per her suggestion of Elm, LARCH, AND GENTIAN and Chestnut Bud.  Within a week her behavior chart went from a steady 3 checks to a 6, 7, and eventually at 10!  Her teacher says her is now participating in classroom discussion and is less defiant.  There was one day when she got a 3, but I later learnt that there was a major change in the classroom on that day.

Fast forward 4 weeks into using the essence, I have managed to get my daughter transferred into a classroom with a co-teacher. She has been in this class for 2 weeks now, I got a chance to speak with her teacher today.  The teacher is raving about what a happy child she is and she says she is easily redirected.  Her behavior is 90% optimal and the 10% it is not, she complies when spoken to.  Its a complete change from what she went thru from Sept to Feb.  While I do acknowledge that the pervious teacher was not a right fit for my daughter, I 100% believe her behavior went from poor to excellent because of the essence as well as her new environment. Her behavior on the whole has changed, she is a much happier child, getting her to do her homework at home is a breeze, and she shows very little defiance if any at home.

I am glad I found Bach, I don’t know how it works, but it works!! Thank you Bettina, thank you Bach!!!
-Kay Khusial

I believe in natural products and i recently experienced the sudden death of my husband of only 6 months. There was a grief counselor I knew who gave me a bottle of the Star of Bethlehem. it is for shock and grief. yes it works. I was not in a good place and was needed to function.. the Star of Bethlehem brought me out of the deeper state of shock when I needed it the most. Thank You

January 2013

About 5 months ago our 1 1/2yr old dog started exhibiting obsessive behaviour in the form of “fly snapping”.  We did a significant amount of research and concluded it was either anxiety driven or something causing complex partial seizures.  A number of blogs and commenter’s on various sites recommended putting drops of Bach’s Rescue Remedy in the food of dog’s suffering from different types of seizures.  At our wits end, we tried it and within a week the attacks pretty much stopped.  To test if it was actually what helped, we stopped giving him the drops for about a week and the attacks started back up.  So he’s back on the drops and his attacks/seizures, whatever you want to call them very rarely happen now.  Thank you so much!

November 2012

Seven remedies were what I needed after my consultation. Within 24 hours of taking them I had a major energetic shift. It was very noticeable as I felt a direct line of energy travel down the right side of my body. I continue to take the remedies daily with much respect and honor for the simplicity yet strength of the remedies.
-Donna D. in TX

November 2012

Sometimes the hectic pace of everyday life catches up to us, threatening to throw off our sense of calm with an attack of stress, tension, or impatience. Of course, this usually happens when you can’t exactly dim the lights and meditate with a cup of tea—so have Rescue Remedy on hand.

This calming spray combines natural botanicals to quiet our racing minds so that we feel relaxed, composed, and focused. If I get a case of the jitters before going on TV or sitting down for an interview, I’ve got a bottle of Rescue Remedy ready in my purse. Voila.
-Robin McGraw (Dr. Phil’s wife)

November 2012
(Rescue Sleep)

Hi, I’m a new fan of your products and I’m so excited to try each one. The Rescue Remedy is the first sleep aid that actually works for me, since it quiets the mind and doesn’t just make you tired. I love it. Plus I can take it during pregnancy which is a million times a plus (my midwife approved it).

This stuff is wonderful at calming your mind so you can sleep! When you go to bed at night and your body is tired but your mind is racing, it helps you put your thoughts to rest so you can sleep. Great product!
-Bettina E.

Your Sleep Remedy is amazing.   I have terrible restless legs and it puts me to sleep before my legs cut up.  My doctor knows nothing about Bach’s…
-Jennifer S.
(December) Hi Bettina..still no restless legs. Fantastic.  Jennifer S.

October 2012

To Bach Folks,

It’s been a hard few weeks in my world and on my way back from visiting my mom in the hospital and taking care of her husband as well as a number of dogs, cat and a chicken, this thought occurred to me:

Before someone tells you to take a chill pill, take Rescue Remedy. and When you need to take a chill pill, take Rescue Remedy.

Rescue Remedy has been so helpful during times when I’m putting so much of myself out there. It helps me regain clarity and balance, as well as letting some pent up emotions. I keep it handy in my purse. I’ve also told many people about the power of Rescue Remedy.

Thank you,
Holly K

July 2012
Hello Bettina. I wouldn’t say Rescue Sleep has changed my life, but it certainly makes a difference when the treadmill in my brain won’t turn off. Last night is a perfect example. I tossed and turned, constantly waking, until 4:30 when I finally got up to get some Rescue Sleep–don’t ask why I didn’t do it hours earlier!!. I was asleep in minutes for almost four hours.

I will tell you what did change my life, and that is Mimulus. I had a debilitating case of acrophobia, which I no longer have, thanks to Mimulus. At one point I couldn’t even climb to the top of a child’s slide. After taking Mimulus, two major victories were: a) standing right by the fence at Niagara Falls where the river falls into the gorge, and b) riding a pony in the Andes.

I have also successfully used Scleranthus for indecision and Aspen for unknown anxieties.

I swear by Bach flower remedies and tout them to anyone who will listen. In fact, I was just looking up Rescue Sleep to send the link to my brother, when I saw your query.

Hope that helps!

May 2012
I started using Rescue Sleep about 2 years ago. I don’t have severe insomnia, but often times there is extra stress or lingering thoughts that don’t let me fall asleep easy. I tried many different natural remedies; I even tried sleep aid but nothing would help me to dose off with such an ease in such a subtle natural way as the Bach Sleep remedy. My father-in-law told me he had hard time falling asleep. I told him about Bach Sleep. When he tried it he told me it worked for him too. I know of many more people that say the same.
-Olga W.

May 2012
I frequently use your rescue cream. I never buy Neosporin, because the rescue cream works so much faster. When I was a teenager, I got road rash on my leg. As an experiment, I put Rescue Cream on half of it, and Neosporin on the other half. The Rescue Cream side healed in less than a week, while the Neosporin side was still scabbed and red. My husband recently fell into a hole and really scraped up his leg. He had a camping trip in 5 days, and was worried he wouldn’t be healed enough and that the unsanitary conditions would cause an infection. I gave him the cream and he reapplied a few times a day. By the time he left, there were only a few spots left with scabs, and he took the tube with him so he could keep applying on the trip. Now, my dog got a fox tail stuck in her paw. I took it out with tweezers and have been applying the cream a few times a day. (She usually licks it off, but I try to keep her from doing it for at least 10-20 minutes.) It is improving so quickly, the swelling has gone down and the skin is looking a lot less irritated. It was so swollen before, I couldn’t tell where the fox tail had gotten in. There is now a sore in the middle, and the Rescue Cream is helping her body expel the pieces I couldn’t get out on my own. If you know anything about fox tails, you know that is a BIG DEAL.

May 2012
In the past, I was never able to fall asleep due to tossing and turning. My mind would just go on and on for hours, thinking about what happened that day, what I wanted to do the following day, and so on… I found myself staying up until early hours of the morning reading or working on my computer trying to get myself to become tired. I’ve never agreed with taking sleeping pills, because I always feared the dreaded groggyness that usually occurs the following morning as well as other side effects that come along with taking pharmaceutical drugs. As a strong believer in Homeopathic and natural remedies, I set out to look for something that was harmless, gentle, and that didn’t give me the drugged feeling. Since discovering Bach’s Rescue Sleep I have been able to fall asleep fast! It amazing how two sprays will allow me to gradually fall asleep within ten minutes after taking it!! Once I spray the Rescue Sleep, my mind begins to clear and my constant thinking stops. I LOVE the product and have recommended it to family and friends. My dad uses it every night and he has had restful sleep ever since he started. I’m glad I never turned to pharmaceutical drugs.
-Dani K. S. (California)

May 2012
I just wanted to let you know that I started using Rescue Remedy with my 9 yr. old son who has ADHD and last week he was on the mound pitching a very intense game and in the middle of the inning, he yells over to us, we are his coaches, and says…”Mom, I need some rescue remedy” ! A time out was called and he got his Rescue Remedy and proceeded to finish the game with a win. I think its great that he recognizes the help it gives him and am so grateful for your product in our lives. Please ad me to a mailing list for any coupons or specials if available. Thanks you so much!
-Leah Hallows

May 2012
I was really happy to discover your Bach flower sleep remedy. it really seems to work for me. what i need to know is if one can developed tolerance to it. i have been a lifetime insomniac, and had really good results from your remedy. is it alright to use it every night? if not, how often can one use it? i am presently trying to alternate it with melatonin, which also seems to work.

I come from a family of night owls, mostly because we all seem to not be able to sleep like normal people. i really don’t like to take pills, but that seemed to be the only way i could get to sleep in the past. i have tried many other health store products, and they didn’t help at all. please advise. i really just want to know if i can take this daily, or rather nightly.

I am 62 years of age, and have no other health issues and am not on any medication….even for sleep. i live in the country and grow all my produce organically. i am very fit and do yoga, Pilates and other exercise daily.

with gratitude, Arlene

(I am happy to hear that the Bach Flower Remedies are helping you sleep.
The Bach Flower Remedies work on the emotional level, so if you are too excited to fall asleep, or worry about things instead of sleeping, the remedies remove the worries, calm down the stress or calms the excitement so that sleep comes natural.

You could try taking the remedies during the day for a couple of weeks and eventually when the imbalance is back to normal, you no longer need to take them. If you don’t need the remedies and you take them nothing happens, so taking Rescue Sleep in the day will not make you fall asleep, they will relax you.

You can take them as often as needed, they can’t do any harm.  ~ Bettina)

April 2012
My son has autism, adhd, impulse control disorder, and a few other things. In 3 years he has been in the hospital 10 times for behavior issues and on 16 different medications. During his last hospitalization, I heard about flower essence therapy and decided to try it. I have now gotten him off his last set of drug therapy which included a high dose of clonidine. He has been off ALL medication for over 6 months now and is doing wonderful. No more meds for him!! Now he is a normal pre-teen. Finally. After 3 long years, I found something that works without the side effects. I have been recommending the essences to EVERYBODY! Im so glad I heard about them. Thank you.
-Darylyne O.

April 2012
I am a very sensitive person and easily upset by loved ones. I have been going through a particularly difficult close relationship and found out that the love of my life was lying to me. As a result I lost trust in him and however hard I tried, I found it very hard to believe in him, understandably so. This resulted in constant mental arguments with myself about many things, even small inconsequential matters. My heart versus my head! It has been exhausting and very upsetting. I constantly sought reassurance for trivial things and this did not help my state of mind; i have no doubt of his love for me. I care very deeply for this person to the point that I feel I need to help out in every area of his life, like its my mission in life. After so many promises of no more lies, I foolishly began to build up my confidence in his honesty, until last week when I discovered a horrible, unforgivable lie. The shock of the lie shattered me and hurt terribly.

For some reason (and I have no idea where this came from) I found myself looking up Bach essences, something I have never dreamed of using. I briefly scanned the details and chose:
Aspen – for fear of the things I don’t know caused by the many lies and lack of reassurance
Star of Bethlehem – for the shock of discovering another terrible lie
White Chestnut – for my constant mental arguments and torturing myself with thoughts
Chicory – for my sense of over-caring and possessiveness
I decided to purchase all four immediately as there is a H&B opposite my office. I started using the combination of essences that very day and felt an inner calm almost right away. I can honestly say that although the hurt is still there, it isn’t all-consuming. I am not entering into any mental arguments or worrying about what I don’t know. The anxiety is still present, but a great deal less. I still care, but I have a better perspective of me in his life. I have taken myself off my own pedestal.

More than anything I felt able to cope calmly and reasonably with the fall-out of this latest lie and I feel able to manage this relationship going forward in the best way possible, whether this means an end to the relationship or a continuation.
All in all, the essences have helped immensely; perhaps I just hit on the right combination for me.

April 2012
My husband saw this and thought it might aid me as I am a poor sleeper. My main problem is anxiety, unable to relax and switch off my thoughts. I must say I was very sceptical, but I have been surprised and delighted with the results. I have managed to get off to sleep with no problem. I have now purchased the spray as well. I am also happy to have found something that contains natural ingredients. All I would say to anybody thinking about trying this product is give it a go. You may be as delighted as I am.
Thank you
Night Rescue,

March 2012
I just wanted to write and tell you how fantastic I think your product is. I have an Italian Greyhound that has seizures occasionally, but my husband and I did not want to put him on a daily medication because they aren’t very frequent. The first time he had one it was terrifying because we had no idea how to help him, and afterward I searched online for natural solutions. I have used rescue remedy for myself before, but I was not aware it could be used for animals as well until my online search.

I am happy to report that my dog has not had a full-blown seizure since we started using the product on him. I give him 2 to 3 sprays as soon as we see him go into “pre-seizure” mode – the spray is much easier than drops with a seizing animal. He sometimes has a very mild and short seizure, but compared to what he was having before, these are nothing. Last night we got the spray in his mouth and he never even progressed into a full seizure! This stuff is amazing.

I was not aware that there was a pet form until today when I went on your website to get the email address to send my comment to. I will probably continue to use the spray I have unless there is a problem giving it to animals for any reason. If so, please let me know.
Sincere thanks,
Emily Seeder

January 2012
My name is Pat, I am 72 yrs. young and I have been dealing with stress, trauma from a family situation, restoring energy, i.e. putting my being into a better place.

I have been using the Rescue Remedy for years off/on taking 1 drop when needed either for an entire day or every few days. Lately when attempting sleep w/o success I have been taking 4 drops of the Rescue Remedy. Not only do I fall asleep within 1/2 hr., but I awaken energized and my emotions are under control. Yes, I know 1 drop should do it, but it doesn’t FOR ME.

The Rescue Sleep does not offer the same relief as the Rescue Remedy FOR ME. Emphasizing ME because I feel our personal body chemicals and genetic make up control how we react to a certain remedy.
-Pat Crayford

January 2012
I have a testimonial to the rescue sleep spray….
I do have a high stress, very busy schedule as a director, it operations for a global high-tech company.
I was going to pick up sleep medication through my doctor when my wife brought home a small spray bottle. Bach Rescue Sleep, two sprays needed…. She had heard it from a friend etc. etc.

A natural sleep assist…. nah it can’t work, it shouldn’t work and why would my doctor prescribe medication five times the price and with some very nasty side effects?

I promised to try it that same night after another 4 days of 3 – 4 hours sleep I was really at my wits end and just needed to sleep a couple of nights to catch up… There goes another weekend and once the weekend over another week of restlessness. It is that treadmill feeling.

I tried two sprays and just did not expect anything…. well indeed nothing happened…. no racing thoughts or things that would keep stressing me out. Of course I blamed this on being tired. I was so tired that I had to sleep.

Okay two days later – Sunday night, one of my worst nights to get rest. I am not the youngest dude any longer I must admit and that too doesn’t help.

Two sprays…. again… after 15 minutes a restful night of calm came over me. You know what the biggest thing was today?! My staff telling me that they noticed how positive I was today and how happy I was.
They say that a good sleep is the base of a good life…. Let me try this for another couple of days and if so I will write again, but the last couple of days have been a blessing to be able to sleep uninterrupted!

Thank you for this product – all natural …. well it does work!!

Best regards,
Al van der Laan
Guelph, Ontario

December 2011
I am a user of Rescue since the early 80’s. I have seen things heal and LIVE due to the fantastic blends of nature in RESCUE !!! From heeling of kitten’s paws cut to the bone and my son laying in a bed in a coma with no skin to his hands. Sneaking rescue in everyday to my son brought comments of “can’t believe” from Dr’s and nurses. A BLESSED THANKS to Bach and their care! My son lives because of RESCUE I TOTALLY BELIEVE RESCUE AND GOD keeps my son mentally healing as well as working on a physical ease.
-C. Findley

Oct. 2011
Hello, I’ve been taking Bach flower remedies for a few months now. I had been nursing my Dad through a terminal illness and then my Mum passed away soon after Dad. Although my husband was my ‘rock’ through all of this, I still had a slight breakdown, accordingly to my doctor. I didn’t want to start taking medication, so tried, on the recommendation of a friend the Bach Remedies. They have helped me enormously and I’m still taking them daily. How long can I go on taking these remedies, I feel so well now, but don’t want to stop them and feel bad again.

Best Regards,

L. D.

(When you feel well again you don’t have to take them anymore. You will not start feeling bad again because you stop taking them. It might be that you wake up one day feeling a little sad, and if you do you add a drop to a glass of water and take small sips during the day and within a short time you will feel okay again. Bettina, Bach Practitioner)

July 2011
I could not believe how well Rescue Remedy worked for my Jack Russells during thunderstorms! I have three Jacks and they all have a lot of anxiety with the storms. They whimper, pant and bark until the storms are over. I rubbed Rescue Remedy on the inside of their ears then took some myself and waited out a violent thunderstorm. There was a bark or two but our evening was 100% better than our usual experience. I never believed something so simple and save could work so well. Thank you from all of us!
-Leslie Howlett

June 2011
Four days ago a blood vessel in my eye burst (subconjunctival haemorrhage) and the white of my eye was all bloody. I filled a 30 mil dosage bottle with spring water and added one drop of Rescue Remedy. I dribbled a few drops of this in my eye about five or six times a day or more often if I thought of it. I did this for three days and on the fourth day it had pretty well cleared up. Whoo Hoo!! Many medical sites say it can take 10 to 14 days.
-Wendy (Melbourne Australia)

May 2011
Hello, I am sorry I should have contacted you sooner, I did receive the shipment on Monday and it is unbelievable the difference in my cat, not sure if it was the product or the amount of time but at this point I am just thankful, I have been giving it to my stressed dog also but she hasn’t had any changes yet but I am hopeful.
Thanks again

April 2011
Rescue Remedy has been a staple at our house for years. I could write a book-length email about all the times it’s helped. My kids will even ask for it — they assume everyone knows about it and has it! As I’ve studied more energy healing and shamanic work, I’ve been lead to explore the other flower essences and purchased the Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Remedies, which I read frequently. I have been trying different essences on myself first and hope to one day further my training in a more formal manner. Recently, I’ve had great results with Honeysuckle after only two weeks. It’s helped me with homesickness issues and I feel more at peace about moving from our prior home. I will share it with my young daughter next. Now I am trying Agrimony and it is making me weepy, but I’ll try to ride it out because it feels necessary to do so.

Dr. Bach left us all a wonderful gift. Thanks!

March 2011
I have had insomnia several nights of the week for the past yr. I wake up in the middle of the night usually around 2:00-3:00 am and i am unable to go back to sleep. I have been using Bach Rescue Sleep for the past few nights and i either sleep through the night or i wake up use the remedy and i am able to fall right back to sleep. I sleep like a rock and feel great in the morning.
Thanks so much for a great product!

February 2011
I purchased white chestnut and red chestnut yesterday. I took them last night and they worked wonderfully. I hadn’t been able to sleep for weeks and last night was the first night I slept through the whole night. I look forward to trying others.

February 2011
I have a question concerning the Bach Rescue Remedy. I have been experiencing debilitating anxiety attacks for the past 6 weeks and a friend suggested Rescue Remedy. I started taking it last night, 4 drops on the tongue, about 5 times between the hours of 5 pm and 8 am. The terror and anxiety did indeed pass almost immediately, but I am left with the feeling of being so very tired, so lethargic, cloudy and spacey. Is this a normal reaction to the Rescue Remedy? Did I take too much? Am I having an allergic reaction to it?
Please advice as soon as possible,
Jillian T.

Dear Jillian.
I am happy to hear that you feel better.
What you are experiencing is your body relaxing; finally it doesn’t have to spend all this energy on the anxiety and terror. It is trying to find its own peace and balance. Get as much rest as possible, go on a small walk, eat healthy, do something really nice for yourself.


Bettina Dolz Rasmussen

January 2011

Dear Bach Flower Remedy,
Just wanted to let you know how much I love your Bach Rescue Remedy Spray. It has greatly helped alleviate my anxiety and nervousness prior to public speaking events and interviews. I will definitely spread the word to my colleagues at work and my friends and family. Keep up the excellent work!
All the best in 2011!
Kaley York 

September 2010
Dear Bettina,
Many many thanks, it’s a great product that helps my arthritis pain immensely. Now I can use it on my puppy dog when he’s stressed.

Thank you again.
Lynda J

August 2010
Hello, I just wanted to express my gratitude for providing an excellent product. I have struggled with panic attacks / anxiety since I was about 47 or 48; I am now 59 yrs old. A year and a half ago, I experienced terrifying panic attacks – unless one has experienced them, it is hard to describe how debilitating they truly are. I was prescribed alprazolam (generic Xanax ) and it helped, but left me very tired and forgetful. I got better, stopped using the alprazolam but still have some shaking if I become overly tired or stress. I am an educator and love what I do but it is very stressful. I have ordered the Rescue spray and the chewing gum to have on hand and will be able to easily use these products on the job. So I really appreciate the wonderful products.

Perhaps I would benefit from a consultation; hopefully the person reading my e-mail could advise me on that

August 2010
I became a single mother with three boys and no financial or emotional support from the father of my sons. During that time, I sank to the bottom and was not able to handle the boys growing up, who were taking advantage of divorces parents who could not work together for the well-being of their children. What a mess, you have no idea!
My mother gave me a Bach questionnaire, and she was overwhelmed by the amount that I had marked. Immediately she gave ‘the rescue remedy” – After couple of hours, I felt that the enormous heaviness that I have had for a long time, you know the one located in the middle of the solar plexus (stomach area), was gone. I felt that I was able to breeze again. The few drops had lifted it up. Of course, I was done and I took a series of Bach flowers. Know that if you pick one that is not of an emotional problem that you have, it will do nothing. On the other hand, when you pick the one, you will go down before you get back up, just briefly. It is a normal process. It is cleansing, first, and then it heals. So don’t be alarmed. I am SO thankful for Mr. Bach’s last century discovery.
Love, VD.

August 2010
Your products help me tremendously. The sleep rescue is a great help. I spray every two hours about 5 sprays into my mouth during the night. Am I overdoing it? Am I putting too much into my system? I refuse to take sleeping pills which the doctor prescribed. My husband has cancer and I am having great difficulty living with the his pain and mine. White Chestnut calms me during the day or I take the pastilles. Please advise and thank you for your assistance.
Josie S

(Answer: You can take them as often as needed, they can not cause any harm. Bettina Rasmussen)

July 2010

I am writing to Thank you. THANK YOU!!! Your Rescue Cream really worked wonders on my sore burnt skin during radiation treatments, three years ago.
The stuff the doctor prescribed just basically made me greasy, some sort of hydracortisone cream.

I discovered your cream quite by accident. And was VERY happy I did. My skin looks completely normal. After one receives radiation treatments, well, that’s really saying something.

Keep doing the positive things you do.

Roseanne Nabhan

July 2010
I have been under tremendous stress lately (my husband’s illness, loss of job, problems with children and grandchildren). I bought the Bach pastilles and the drops for sleep. Within 48 hours there was a difference. Instead of using chemical pills that are addictive, I am doing something natural. I really had my doubts. The pastilles really helped with the horrible stress and headaches. Thank you so much.

May 2010
I was given a sample of your Remedy Cream by a woman who works at the Greens store in Vancouver BC after I accidentally cut my finger while trying to grind coffee in the coffee isle. She assured me that this product would help heal my cut. A few days after she gave me the sample to try, my eczema started to flare up on my hands again. I have had this “on and off” problem my whole life since I was a child. I have been to the doctor numerous times, I was sent to an allergist, a dermatologist and no one could help cure it or prevent it from occurring again.

I have also tried to eliminate harmful products in the environment that I thought might be causing it, I have spent hundreds of dollars on prescription creams, natural creams, and anything else I could think of, to try to sooth the eczema — nothing has worked. When my hands are really bad, they are chapped, pink, peeling, raw and bled sometimes. It hurts a lot!

My spouse even wondered if I might have flesh-eating disease! I put this cream on along with some special breathable bandages (recommended by a nurse who works a lot with burn victims and major wounds in hospitals — it’s called Flexigrid and you can only buy it at specialized pharmacies – about 70 cents just for one bandage – not cheap) before bed. I woke up in the morning, and my fingers were healed!! I was so excited that I repeated the process to make sure that I got all of it and in two days, the skin on my fingers has completely regenerated. You can now see the thumbprint lines that were previously destroyed have returned. That never happens immediately after the eczema has gone away. Normally when the eczema finally goes away, my fingers are left with smooth, pink skin – no imprint marks. It’s like I’ve had 10 layers of skin removed.

Anyway, if this is what your product can do for my eczema, I would love to try anything you might make for facial wrinkles!! Also, if you are not marketing this product to burn units in hospitals, I think you should – many patients can benefit from your product.

THANK YOU so much. You’re a miracle worker.
Maria L

April 2010
Rescue Remedy helps me deal with Restless Leg Syndrome. My first case of RLS happened during my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what it was. Then it came back with my 2nd child and I just remembered thinking “ohh no, not again.” I decided to take Rescue Remedy and it stopped, if I did that I only had to take it every other night. After a while I decided to take it daily for 2 weeks and to my joy it did not come back until a few years later.
Now I will get RLS once in a while and I will reach for my bottle and I fall asleep within minutes every time.
-B. Dolz

March 2010
I went to the Health Food Store and Bought Rescue Remedy, the one you spray, just wanted to Thank you for your suggestion. It seems to help with the Anxiety. Thank you so much.

March 2010
I purchased some Aspen for my cat who either has Post Tramatic Stress Disorder or a mental neurosis—I have been giving her “St Johns Wort” to calm her down (she was like Dr Jekhl and Mr Hyde for a while) and that has helped, but she is also terrified of our other cat (who was in the home when we rescued her) so I ordered the Aspen—we gave it to her and she actually let us pick her up(yippie) and bring her into the living room to try to intergrat her with our other cat. After giving her 2-3 drops of the Aspen in some canned cat food—she not only let us pick her up and bring her into the living room (we keep the cats separated by child gates) she did not growl at our other cat or shake like she has in the past when we have been able to wrangle her.

PS two vets we consulted wanted to put her on Prozac!
-Yvonne G.

March 2010

Just to let you know that we received the “Rescue Remedy” yesterday. I tried it on our wonderful (yet annoying-in-his-old-age) cat yesterday and last night I got the first good night’s sleep, sans “Yooowwwllling”, in months!

I do have to say that the 4 drop indication on the labeling seems a bit too strong for a cat (perhaps that’s good for a dog?). I gave him 4 drops yesterday afternoon and he was still VERY subdued last night. He wasn’t “woozy” or anything when I got him up to eat and drink, but it WAS harder to awaken him for dinner, and he only wanted to go back to sleep afterwards. Tonight before bed, I think I will try him on only 1 drop, just to get US all through the night. Ahhh, glorious sleep!

Thank you so much for formulating this potion!
Your Friends in Northern California,
Carolyn & Pete

December 08 2009
I just want to say thank you guys for making such an amazing product such as the Rescue Remedy.
I’ve dealt with anxiety for 2 years now since my mother became ill, nothing seemed to be working on me, I’ve tried anxiety pills and pills for upset stomachs, I went to my local health food store in town to see if I could find a natural solution to my problem.
When I got home from town I tried Rescue Remedy for the first time and within a few minutes my stomach calmed down, I was much happier and more relaxed, I could concentrate better.
-Nicole, Quesnel BC Canada

August 2009
OK thank you. I purchased the Rescue Energy and the Rescue Cream at a local store and within a few minutes I felt completely energized. I had just come off a 10 hr work day in a 90 degree building and was completely exhausted. I also noticed quite distinctly, a complete reduction in my left side joint pain. And that was just the Rescue Energy. After I applied the Cream to some cuts and a work related rash, I noticed no redness and no itching. I am completely amazed. I am a fan for life
-Laura, UK

June 2009
I work in a large boarding kennel in W. North Carolina. Clients send their animals in with a all sorts of prescribed drugs to help combat ‘fear of storms’. One client sent a bottle of rescue Remedy in with her dogs. These dogs had gone through heavy gauged chain link fencing in the past like the links were butter. I never would have believed that something as gentle as Rescue Remedy would work the wonders it has on these dogs. First sign of an approaching storm and 4 drops of Rescue Remedy and the animals are calm. From panting terrified dogs to big babies in a few minutes. It is wonderful and we now keep a bottle on hand at all times. All clients that make us aware of their best friends fear of storms gets the Rescue Remedy speech. We all are believers and so are our clients. Thanks.
-P A Putney, Waynesville NC

June 2009
I have been having dancing lessons for over 2 years and whilst I know my steps, I have had difficulty in overcoming my fear (perhaps closer to fright) of dancing in public and each performance is a disaster. This fear I might add is like I can’t breathe, my memory disappears and I am very tense and sweaty.
I have recently purchased your rescue remedy spray and rescue remedy pastille. I used the spray twice on my tongue before I entered the dance studio and one pastille whilst walking in!! I really can’t believe it, but am so excited to say that in the last two lessons in front of a few people it was my best performance and memory recall ever!! Wow!! I was able to concentrate on my steps from the beginning!! All the above fears seemed to be contained!!
Thank You!! : > )
-Gus in Australia

June 2009
Bettina, I just want to give you and Katherine a follow up on our dog Chester who just hated thunder storms. Katherine, if it weren’t for your article in the Post & Courier, I would not know what we would be doing with Chester right now. Bettina, your help and directions were right on the mark!
As Katherine knows, we have had horrendous thunderstorms these past 3 nights in Charleston, SC. I have given Chester his 2 drops when each of the storms started and he calmed down and went to sleep.
You both “guys” are just wonderful! I have recommended the Rescue Remendy to some of my friends who have spent the last 3 nights trying to calm their dogs down. I have also kept Chester’s vet updated on how much Rescue Remedy has helped him.
Again, thank you from the bottom of hearts, Nancy, Jim and Chester Gouse

June 2009
I just recently learned of your product and have given it to my dog for “new baby” in the family and to travel. It has helped greatly in both situations. I also took some myself one night when I was very nervous, for no apparent reason, other than hormonal. It took the edge off.

June 2009
Hi Bettina,
As of the last several days, there’s been a remarkable positive change in our dog’s behavior. She’s much calmer and much less aggressive with our other dog. She is not racing up and down the fence line barking at our neighbor. She waits quietly while her food is being prepared. She has almost completely stopped spinning with her tail in her mouth. She’s almost unrecognizable as the dog that we rescued almost two years ago.
It’s great. Thank you for your input.

May 2009
A customer came in today and brought his dog to be groomed and he is very hyper and does not like to be groomed. He bounces around and you can’t hold on to him. So my customer ordered some Rescue Remedy and gave it to the dog. It was like a totally different dog he was not druggie or limp like some things you get from the vet he would still up on his on.
-Dora Bookman – I own a dog grooming shop in Gun Barrel City, Texas.

April 2009
Hello there,
Your rescue remedy was recommended to me by a very kind health food store manager. I had a fairly awful car accident and though I am relatively ok (internal & external bruising from seatbelt impact, etc), my friend got a dislodged hip and is in the hospital. Needless to say, the guilt and overwhelming feelings of the whole thing are taking a toll on my system. I went to the store that day and the manager said that Bach’s products really helped. He mentioned I seemed sad and stressed. Though the feelings are not magically going away, I must say, the Rescue Remedy always makes me feel a bit more serene after I take the drops. It even seems to soothe the awful canker sore I’ve developed since the accident! I haven’t gotten a canker in ages, but I guess the stress really is the culprit. Crazy how that works.
Our bodies really do cry out and show us how they need love in times of difficulty. Thanks for concocting such a lovely recipe for us.
Those who work in healing are truly the angels in this dimension!
Best and; Blessings,
Jessica L. H.

March 2009
Last week my friend bought a huge beautiful green head of cabbage at the food co-op. It was gorgeous with these big savoy like leaves. She kept meaning to cook it earlier in the week but it wasn’t until last night that she took it out of the fridge and rinsed it in a sinkfull of water. When she went to take it out of the sink she found a tree frog floating in the water. Now my friend Gigi cannot stand to see anything die so she picked up the ‘dead’ frog and pondered. There was absolutely no movement and he really did look dead. Then she remembered a friend told her that she revived a frog with Bach Rescue Remedy. So what the heck. She rubbed some on its back, waited a few minutes. Rubbed another drop and then started tapping gently on it’s back. Lo’and behold he moved his little paw and grabbed onto her and then she could see him start breathing. He’s doing fine now! What a product testimonial, huh?!

February 2009
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful product. My cat has always been high strung. She is a shelter cat and I always wondered what her life was like before she was rescued. She has always had biting problems and everyone always thought she was just a mean cat. I knew better… I tried so many things to make her happier because I knew that if I could just ease her anxiety, she would return the favor with love and affection.
I tried Rescue Remedy for Pets and she was like a different cat after only a few days of use! A cat that, at one time, responded to being pet by biting and hadn’t purred in over a year(!), now enjoys being cuddled and sits in my lap and purrs at least twice a day!
My little girl, Bandit, thanks you from the bottom of her tiny heart for finally bringing her some peace!
Jessi Ohnstad

January 2009
Two months ago my partner of eight years unexpectedly passed away. I was introduced to Rescue Remedy by a family member. It has helped me tremendously to deal with the pain and grief that I have experienced. I was so impressed with the product, that I recommended it to a few other friends. They all now sing the praises of Bach’s Flower Remedies.

January 2009
I want to thank you for your help! My dog has already responded to the Rescue Remedy and Mimulus combo! He’s stopped his obsessive chewing and destruction after the first day!! I can tell you, I’m a believer in herbs now!
I thank you, and appreciate you taking your time to help me out!

January 2009
I have been under a lot of stress lately. Within a two week period I backed into my garage door and tore it from its frame, I drove 2000 miles roundtrip from Dallas to Milwaukee within five days through ice and snow storms, and my 8-year-old cat was critically ill when I got home. Through it all I took Rescue Remedy and Impatiens. I also gave Rescue Remedy to my cat. The cat went downhill so quickly that the vets and I had talked about euthanasia, but as that time approached, suddenly my cat perked up and showed signs of recovery. We were all happily surprised. And I was able to get through all of this without Xanax, my drug of choice in such stressful situations. And another plus: I noticed that I wasn’t turning to food to soothe myself like I usually do. In fact, since I have been taking the Bach remedies, my cravings for sweet and fattening food have disappeared. It’s amazing!
-Elizabeth Taylor

December 2008
Emotional Eating Support Kit
Well, Bettina, I feel like the binge eating may be a little better. : ) Before I was eating to the point of pain several times per week. Now, I don’t indulge nearly as frequently and certainly not to the same degree. Thank goodness! I don’t know whether it is the Bach remedy, or whether the Bach just makes me more aware of the issue that needs to be overcome or whether I have entered a different phase of my life. But, regardless, I am a lot happier to have some sort of control back.
Thanks so much!

July 2008
I’m sure someone knew this. But, I am due with my third child in about three weeks. I have a four yo and a two yo. I’m pretty busy with them. Sleep has not come easily lately. I was never this uncomfortable during my other pregnancies. I haven’t slept well sleep because the baby would start moving, my mind would race about everything I have to get done, I was overly emotional and upset with my husband, or I just couldn’t get comfortable. The other night, I was so tired that I was crying because I just wanted to sleep. Well, I got out my Rescue Remedy and have slept wonderfully since. In addition to that, I feel much more comfortable. The aches and pains and some contractions have gone away. Today, I recommended it to a friend with morning sickness. I just thought I would share in case no one knew that it could bring that kind of comfort and peace when a pregnancy is this far along.

July 2008
Let me say a word for homeopathic remedies in emergency situations.
There hasn’t been a month in my years of practice that I haven’t used Bach Rescue Remedy to assist a patient or even a stranger. I carry this remedy on my person nearly all the time when I am out in public.
I keep it my automobile at all times.

Recently, I was first on scene of a single car accident wherein the vehicle slid off a rural road, the driver’s door crushed from bouncing against a boulder. The driver had a laceration above the left ear and was panic-stricken to be out of the vehicle. Another vehicle stopped at the scene and I instructed the driver to call 911. I was very concerned that the victim might injure himself further, struggling against his situation.

I got a roll of gauze from my first-aid kit and wrapped it over a compress and around his head to stop the bleeding. I instructed the victim that I was going to put some drops into his mouth. He cooperated as I held his jaw and, as best I could, managed to get 3-4 drops of Rescue Remedy under his tongue. By the time the ER Unit arrived the victim was in a relative state of calm, no longer struggling and capable of speaking to the medics.


William Comer, CN
Holistic Family Practice

July 2008
I have a borzoi who is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks and this has been a trial for her and us who haven’t been able to soothe her. I tried the rescue remedy with no change in her behaviour or emotions. I was quite disappointed in this because people had told me how wonderful it was.
I went to Woofstock in Toronto in June of this year and spoke to someone there who was selling Bach’s essences. She told me I hadn’t been using the right essence and suggested I try the Mimulus one instead. I was unsure about this but decided to give it a try.

IT WORKED!!!!! We have had a number of storms here and also fireworks occasions. I gave our borzoi the drops for a storm and she was more settled – this could be the drops or just that the storm wasn’t too bad. I needed further proof. More storms and fireworks later, the dog is managing well with the drops. We had a thunderstorm last night and after getting two doses of the drops, she was able to eat her dinner during the storm. This has never happened before.

I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with this product and the results I’m seeing in my dog. She is no longer a thunder freak, but a much calmer, able to cope dog.

LK, Canada

June 2008
I wanted to tell you how wonderful your products are. I’ve been using both the Rescue Remedy and Mimulus. I’ve suffered from anxiety that can be set on by the most (in my opinion) ridiculous events, typically revolving around thunderstorms and fire. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder maybe 5 years ago, and was on Zoloft and Klonopin for a while. I’m off the Zoloft but I still have some Klonopin for any sudden anxiety attacks.

I first heard of Rescue Remedy on holistic nutritionist Isabel Clark’s website, I found your product at a local store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, called Goldenseal. There, I saw a pamphlet about the use of your products on companion animals.

My one cat can be skittish, and dislikes thunderstorms as much as I do. I’ve noticed a difference in her when I’ve added it to their water dish (nothing bothers my other kitty). I was running the electric broom in the kitchen one day and realized that she was still curled up on the couch in the family room (typically, she’s not on the same floor as where I’m running either that or the vacuum). So now, on days they’re calling for thunderstorms, I add some Mimulus to their water to help ease her anxieties, as well as add some to my water bottle. This seems to lower my overall anxiety on days with thunderstorms, which has decreased my need for Klonopin. I’ve also taken a bottle of Rescue Remedy to work to keep occasional stress at bay.

Your product is fabulous and I can’t say enough good things about it!


June 2008
I have to tell you that already I am noticing a difference. My mood is lighter and I am more able to cope with my responsibilities. I’ve also noticed that a few people I haven’t seen or heard from in a while have magically re-appeared. I feel less fearful. I am hardly craving my usual suspects—wine, chocolate, sugar. I’m a flower-essences believer now. I’ve tried a zillion things but never thought much of Flower Essences until I noticed your site and thought, “Why Not?” It’s funny how all those years I walked past the Bach stand of little bottles not fully realizing they could be of such help. Thank you so much for your help and I look forward to my continued healing.
-Patricia, Chicago, IL

Spring 2008
I consider this a personal success story.
I have not been on Vacation in the past 5 years out of fear of the airplane and being in a different environment and atmosphere. I was told to take Rescue Remedy® before I got on the plane. I to be honest was skeptical. I do take 2 other Bach essentials but I have never been so pleasantly surprised as I was with the Rescues Remedy. I purchased a blister pack of 4 and used them as the directions on the package said. I used one blister pack 1/2 and hour before boarding the plane I would say with in 10 to 15 Min’s I noticed a calmness that came over me. It was like I was in a different mindset a more content, grounded, peaceful state. My flight was 2 hours and 30 Min’s. I have never been able to fly, I would get so nervous and panic and feel the walls closing in. The fear of I cannot get out, I am trapped, the overwhelming headache and nausea was unbearable. I would be on guard the entire flight and work myself into a panic attack. The landing was dreadful for me, I would become sick and as I would say freak out. I would cry, hold the seat in front of me for dear life and only in vision me passing out.
Now I am so excited to be able to tell you I have the ability to look forward to flying. I was in such a calm, relaxed state I feel asleep even before take off. I did wake up during my flight but when I did while on the plane I was in a different state, I had no worries, no fears, no anxiety and no panic. I was at such a peaceful state I slept through turbulence and the landing.
I said yesterday to a friend that this product should be illegal to sell or be only by prescription. I did fear that I would not be able to function after my flight landed but I was completely fine and functional. I do not drink or smoke. I do not like to take medicines. Rescue Remedy® was a natural way for me to become calm and still be in control.
I will recommend this product to anyone and everyone.
Thank you
Lindsey Baginski
Middletown Ct 06457

Hi Bettina, I just wanted to give you an update on my little boy who suffered from separation anxiety that I told you about a few weeks ago. I have been giving him the drops four times a day and he is so much happier now. I am now able to leave him for a while to do chores around the house as I wasn’t able to before and if he wants me, he just calls out “Mum” instead of screaming. He is also not climbing all over me and wanting to hang off me all the time either. Other’s have also noticed that he is so much happier. I went to my “mother’s group” last Friday and he usually sits on my knee, not wanting to move but this time he went off and played (he still watched where I was at all times). He wanted me to pick him up at the start but i just played with him and encouraged him for about 20 minutes and he was fine. It is so nice to see him enjoying himself instead of being fearful all the time. He still cries when I walk out of the room and he is with fairly unfamiliar people but that’s understandable and I just try not to do that too often. ie if i need to go to the ladies, I just take him with me! It saves me getting anxious about leaving him and him getting upset! Anyway, I just want to thank you for your help and advice, I really appreciate it. I was really unsure as to whether the drops would work but I can really say now that they absolutely do! Just one more thing, I was going to keep giving them to him until the bottle runs out then see how he goes without them. Is that a good idea or should he be on them for a bit longer?
Thank you very much,

I feel compelled to share my success with the remedies in hopes that others will be able to find the same relief and comfort as me. I was plagued by disturbing and frightening thoughts after a nightmare. For days, I was in a near constant state of panic and anxiety, fearing that bad things might happen to me, and that my thoughts might make them happen. Everything was dark for me, thinking I would always be beset by these irrational fears that were tormenting me, especially at night. I dreaded going to bed, and I felt terrified and alone. I thought a nervous breakdown was in the near future. Out of the blue, I remembered Bach Flower remedies. I had never taken them before, but heard good things about them. I needed them a.s.a.p. as I was in such a terrible mental state of terror, so I called around until I found a place near my home where I bought several of the remedies. Cherry Plum, Mimulus, and Rock Rose immediately helped me. Now I feel safe, calm and protected, and I don’t go to bed scared anymore. It is quite amazing how incredible I feel, and I am immensely grateful that the flower remedies exist. Please keep me anonymous. And thank you for being affiliated with such a wonderful product.

Re Bach’s Rescue Remedy®, a “homeopathic treatment…for relief of stress,” Naomi Klein says, “I have no real sense that it works…I think of it like a kind of talisman” (“A Small Bottle of Calm in a World Gone Mad,” Oct. 7). As perhaps the world’s most famous claustrophobe after Woody Allen (I was profiled in The New York Times and the subject of a documentary film on the condition), I have relied on Bach’s Rescue Remedy® for years, and can attest that it works. And given the intensity of some of my panic attacks, I can also attest that its effect is no placebo; I have been given dozens of placebos over the years, none of which has had even a minor effect on my condition. I do not know how or why it works. Nor do I care. I only know that it does, and that while it is true that simply having it on me is a comfort, its power to mitigate the stress associated with even serious panic attacks is nothing short of a miracle. — Thanks for being there.
-Ian A.

I walked underneath the tree and looked towards my chook pen. Usually my chooks would come running to me, but there was a gathering of feathers at one end.
The sheepdog stood proudly at the other end, but as soon as he spotted me he cowered underneath a shed, knowing that he was in big trouble for killing chooks.
I ran towards the dead torn chooks, hoping there was a survivor among the mess.
Two chooks were still alive but barely-they needed intense care.
I ran home and got out my animal bach Rescue Remedy®, and hurried back to treat the injured chooks.
Three days after their attack, and plenty of Rescue Remedy®, they began to walk again. They improved over about two weeks, and started laying again after six. Quite extraordinary after they had nearly being ripped to shreds! It shows that Rescue Remedy® isn’t only for humans, and to this day, those chooks are still happy as ever! Without Rescue Remedy® I would’ve lost two of my best layers. It is a very special formula that works wonders for both humans and animals.
-Ingrid N.

I have two two year old dogs. They were getting along really well until they reached the age of two.
My boxer decided she wanted to become the dominate of the two so started to go after my lab/beagle.
Everytime Colby (my leagle, as we call her) would see Maggie, the boxer, she would cower. That caused Maggie to pick on her even more. I started them both on Bach flower essences and the effect was amazing!
They haven’t fought since. They are both on Rescue Remedy® and Colby is on Chestnut. At one point we weren’t sure if it was even safe to leave them alone together but now we come home and they are asleep on the same doggy bed…even tho’ we have two.
This has been a blessing for us and a life saver for Colby. She is once again a relaxed happy little girl.
-Susan G.

I am terrified to fly. I come by this phobia honestly because at the age of 10 I lost my adored father when the plane he was piloting exploded in mid air.

Throughout my career I drove, took a bus or train or avoided events and conferences, missing out while others benefited. I gritted my teeth a few times but was tortured with anxiety about the flight before the trip and the thought of the return flight ruined any enjoyment I could have had during the trip.

On retirement I joined a wonderful organization that raises funds for the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. I was offered a once in a lifetime chance to visit the museum “behind the scenes”. Visiting the Winter Palace of the Czars had been a lifelong dream and I accepted, but with the usual trepidation.

After months of gut twisting anxiety, someone told me about Rescue Remedy®. All I can tell you is that I used the drops, cream and spray (didn’t know there were pastilles!), got on a plane, flew for many, many hours and took it all in stride. Absolutely amazing. I experienced all the discomfort that today’s flights deliver but I was not frightened at all.

Last year I was able to fly to Ireland to fulfill my mother’s last wish to have her ashes spread on Galway Bay. (with Rescue Remedy® clutched in my hand) Since then, I have used “the Remedy” on my Westie who shakes uncontrollably in thunder storms. After a few drops on the tongue, he just sort of lies down.

Rescue Remedy® has changed our lives and I have become a vocal advocate. Thank you Dr. Bach!

Best wishes,
Robin Young

I would just like to say that your product is a life-savior. The heals of my feet were cracked and peeling. The products I used to use were not working any longer. So off I went to the Wholefood and discovered this little tube. It’s been about two weeks and the cracks are healed and there are no more peeling. You guys actually know what you’re doing. Also, I use the Rescue Remedy®. I have anxiety attacks so often I hold that bottle like it’s jewelry. I even sprayed some in my dogs mouths and it worked for them too. Thank you.
-Donna L. Ganier

Hi there- I just wanted to share an experience with you about my emotionally turbulent 6 year old and rescue sleep spray. My son has a tendency to have emotional fits, where he gets overly upset and dramatic around real or imagined issues (mostly imagined). It is very draining and we have tried many different approaches and nothing has worked until… yesterday my sales rep (I manage a health food store) brought me a sample of rescue sleep. Clearly the cute little spray bottle was a great temptation to my son (to whom I give Rescue Remedy® occasionally), and so he self medicated with it just before dinner. Well, usually dinnertime is especially difficult with lots of drama and fussing and not eating, but last night he sat down and ate without any fuss at all (this is the first time in a very long time that has happened). Then we got to bedtime, also a highly charged, difficult time, and he gave himself two sprays, stopped fussing, went to brush his teeth and got right into bed (!). I think we may be on to something. My personal experience with the remedy was that it made me feel very still inside. I personally have no trouble falling asleep and am quite good at quieting my mind and stilling my emotions, so don’t need it, but if it keeps working for my son, it is nothing short of a miracle!! I just wanted to let you know this because I know many parents struggle with difficult kids, and this could really be a boon for them. Please write me back and let me know if you have received any other reports like this. Thank you for your great products Best.
-Eileen McKusick

Good morning!
Our cat behaviorist recommended using Rescue Remedy® to ease our cat’s anxiety and reduce aggression. We’ve been using your product for nearly a month and the results are nothing short of miraculous! We have 2 kitties, both male, one is 14, the other is 8. Needless to say the 8-year-old was always patrolling the other cat and making life miserable for all of us.
The oldest kitty was not eating/drinking enough and was always seeking safe refuge. We even began separating them when ever we weren’t around to supervise .. so at night, anytime we were outside working in the yard or out shopping, one of them would get sequestered downstairs. This made us all sad :-(Now? Well, we still separate them when we leave the house but that’s it. There’s very little patrolling and when there is we up the dose on the 8-year-old. But no more out of control fighting, crying or fur-flying chases … thank you! The product is easy to administer, only takes a couple of minutes twice a day and we’re done. What a great product!! Thank you for your consideration and for producing a wonderful, safe product which really works!
All the best, Scooter

Hello there, I first discovered Bach Flower when I had bowel cancer in 1984 and was under the ministrations of a Naturopath. I found that the Rescue Remedy® helped me enormously. Since then (and I was given one year to live!!) I have recommended it to a lot of people who have tried and agreed it is a wonderful remedy for depression etc. My husband has now suffered two strokes one in June 2006 and a second one November 2006. I managed to obtain some Bach Flower and was given two bottles one Rescue Remedy® and One of Sweet Chestnut. He had become very depressed and didn’t want to live like he was as he was feeling totally useless. He is a big strong man and being unable to do what he used to do was just making him feel that way. I gave him the Sweet Chestnut and since starting it he has been much more cheerful and the depression is not as bad as it was in fact almost gone. He now even asks me for the ‘Flower’. Thank you so much for your wonderful remedies and I just hope I can continue to receive it as I live on a remote island in the pacific and do not have credit cards.
Once again thank you very much Sincerely Helene Tuwai Vanuabalavu

Approaching Wedding with Hives
What is in this product? It is amazing. No other calming herbs have helped this quickly and this effectively like this. Is it possible that it works this quick and effectively? Does everyone get as amazed from this product as I did? I am very stressed due to my wedding in a month and it is causing me to break out in hives on my chest …and I have a strapless dress i have to wear!  Again I have tried everything and I have prayed for a cure to get rid of the hives. It is obviously nerves and I think I have found the cure! thank you, thank you, thank you, for this strong herb that is so amazing! I think I am on my way to enjoying my last month in the planning process.

My Dog Slept Through the Night
I have a dog that has epilepsy. He has most of his seizures at night. I give him the Rescue Remedy® after he has a seizure and it calms him down. He also does not sleep well thru the night. He usually wakes up at 2:30-3:00 every night. I gave him some Rescue Remedy® last night before bed time and he slept thru the night for the first time in about a year.
Thanks for a great product!!!
-Mary Ann

Car trip with 6 month old.
Sun, 13 Dec 1998
Just got the Rescue Remedy today and it worked like a charm! It was actually kind of scary, how suddenly it worked. He was starting to get fussy in the car on the way back from the herb store after buying the drops, so I gave him some. He continued to fuss for maybe 2 minutes, probably less, then just quit! He was quiet, looking around, for the rest of the ride home. Tried it again on another car ride later that day, and it worked again!
I tried it on myself, and didn’t really feel anything (although I was so busy rushing to get ready for a party that I wasn’t really paying attention to how I felt). I’m sort of curious about your experience with these drops, and if you’ve just used them yourself or given them to your child? I gave him 3 drops (I think, he was fighting me so it was hard to tell), and the bottle says to use 4, but I didn’t know if that was for anyone, or just adults, and children should be much less? He didn’t get sleepy, but it worked so completely that I felt like I must have drugged him. I know of course you wouldn’t suggest these drops if they weren’t safe, but are you sure? I mean, he was acting like a totally different baby, so calm!!
Thanks for your help!

Poison Oak .
I just wanted to share my success story: Last week I acquired the worst case of poison oak I’ve ever had. It was systemic, with the worst of it on my face. I tend to scar very easily and thought I would have a large scar on my face to look forward to. I came across Bach rescue cream that a friend used on her horse at my stable and started to apply it to my face after treating the oak with Zanfel. The rescue cream soothed the skin immediately and now, a week and a half later, the oak is clear and the skin feels almost normal. As well the pigment of the skin is also back to normal. I honestly cannot believe the improvement! I am a believer, and will continue to use this product for cuts, abrasions, etc. I also like that I can use it on my animals (horses, dog, cats) knowing I am not applying some chemical mixture just to treat a wound. This stuff is the best!
thanks, Nancy Turk

Injured in basketball game.
A friend friends came to my house shortly after he had been hit under the eye in a basketball game. He asked for some ice, since his eye started to swell and hurt. I suggested him to try some Rescue Remedy® on the swelling that in this point was pretty obvious. After 15 minutes he kind of squeak his eye and acknowledge that the swelling is going away, at this point it is half the size from the point when we applied the Rescue Remedy®. The next day I meet him and his first question was, “What kinda stuff was that you put on my eye yesterday, I thought that I was going to have a big blue eye.” There was nothing to see.

Stressful Work Settings
I have enjoyed the site. My agency is having a representative give an intro lecture. I am looking forward to introducing this in a homebound classroom of children with physical and medical problems… The children will not be taking the remedies, but the staff will.. This is a very stressful work setting. I have been taking the Rescue Remedy® 4 about 1 yr. I have been better able to concentrate without the interference of emotional distractions during pressured meetings. Interaction with the children is a pleasure so no need for Rescue… Enjoy the comments of others… Maybe they will be more specific in how the Flowers have enhanced their emotional lives…..I have used this with my pets after surgery very helpful…
-Sue June

Weaning from finger-sucking
A 4 year old boy was told by his dentist not to suck his thumb anymore. He stopped but was unable to comfort himself. He was given Rescue Remedy® and found it easier to go through the day without feeling miserable and moody.

Baby bird & cat
A baby bird, which was brought in by a cat, was in total shock and did neither move or say anything. It was given Rescue Remedy®, through it’s beak over a period of a half hour. After checking on the bird a half hour later, the bird was fully alive and was trying to escape with a big noise. When freed it flew away happily.

Car accident
A lady had been in a car accident and got a blow to her lower arm. The arm was big and swollen and slowly turning blue and purple. 10 minutes after applying Rescue Remedy® drops the arm was half the size and the color had turned into a healthier red.

Rescue Remedy®
I have found Rescue Remedy® to be an incredibly powerful and amazing remedy.
I have used it on so many occasions with amazing results, that I cannot understand why everyone does not have a bottle or two in their cupboard, in their car or in their handbag. I have used it to stop a fainting attack – I was amazed how it immediately grounded me and brought me back into my body.
I have also used it on one occasion to ease my husband’s throbbing foot to the point that he no longer needed a pain killer, plus amazingly stopping a cut finger from bleeding almost instantly on another occasion. I found it invaluable when my children were growing up for all the traumas big and small. I am always amazed how the simplest things work the best. I think simplicity is the essence of Truth.

2nd Degree Chemical Burns
I have a ‘success story’ for you. Yesterday, I tried a ‘chemical peel’ for the first time, and had very bad reaction in several areas of my face. I had three 2nd degree chemical burns, and what looked like a bad sunburn along my cheeks. I was very painful, and looked frightening! A friend recommended the Rescue Remedy® cream. Almost immediately after applying the cream, the pain and tightness went away. After a night with the cream on, my skin is pain-free, and only redness is left. I am totally amazed at the improvement! Thank you!
-Shoshanah Bain

We were all affected by the earthquake in Turkey, since my husbands family lives in Istanbul. Luckily at the time of the Earthquake my sister-in-law, nephew and mother-in-law were visiting the US.
After my mother-in-law spoke to her husband, who were in Istanbul during the earthquake, she got so worried that she could not sleep restfully and had nightmares. The next morning she was exhausted and I asked her if she wanted a Bach Flower Essences that could help her not to worry (White Chestnut). I added 2 drops in a glass of water and asked her to take small sips during the day. We didn’t see her the whole afternoon, she had fallen to sleep and slept peacefully.

Abusive Relationship
Rescue Remedy Story—
About a year and a half ago I got in to an abusive relationship. I was living with the guy and he threw me out. I didn’t have anywhere to go and didn’t know what I was going to do. I went to a health food store and bought a bottle of Rescue Remedy. Within 5 minutes of taking it the stress was gone. I got calm, centered and made a plan.

A few days later I called a shelter and moved out.

The whole time I was in shelter I used Rescue Remedy. I had less trouble than a lot of the women there because I stayed calm and in control rather than flying off the handle or having a panic attack.
-C. C.

 Mauled Horse
I was in Wyoming – a long way from my home in France! – at a ranch where I was helping to start 8 young horses the TTEAM way. One day the wranglers came down from the pastures to say that one of the horses had been mauled by a bear. We ran up and saw the most awful sight. The horse couldn’t move and most of the top of his leg was missing. Luckily someone had some Rescue Remedy® and every 5 min. put some in the horses mouth. He stayed calm and let us do TTouches on him and eventually we persuaded him to move his leg.

After about an hour we started moving him and eventually he hobbled down to the corral where the vet was able to treat him. The vet said that he would have been dead meat up in the pasture, but that he thought it had been impossible to get him down without panicking him!!!

The twist to this story is that it WASN’T a bear which had mauled him but a barbed wire fence!!
love jacqui

Loss of Husband
I purchased Rescue Remedy from my vitamin specialist on 4/16. I was having difficulty dealing with the sudden, unexpected death of my husband back in January. I immediately put 4 drops on my tongue and the results were immediate (within 1 hour). The depression that I had been suffering with, while not severe, was non the less debilitating. I can honestly say that 24 hours later I still feel quite good. I was instructed to use it at least daily for the first week or so and then only when needed. I was so pleased with the results that I intend to investigate all the essences and see which ones and I can and should incorporate into my daily life. I have been telling everyone I meet about this marvelous product.
-Deborah Sledz Houston, TX 

Son on heavy medications
I started using Bach Flower Essences last May on my 12 year old son who is ADHD and BiPolar Manic Depressive. He was on 6 heavy meds at the time after having spent the first 6 years of his life trying all types of holistic therapies which weren’t enough. The flowers worked wonders!

He’s off 4 of his 6 meds and we’re working on eliminating the remaining two. Every August, and Nov-March is when he cycles and becomes very depressed and suicidal. This last august he was perfectly fine for the first time since he was 3 years old! The flowers balanced him out and worked miracles!!!!! As for the Nov-March cycling, he has had only a few days where he went off the deep end.

but was able to pull himself together within an hour by taking the Bach Flower Essences every 10 minutes. What works for his bipolar illness is Mustard (mood swings), Aspen (unknown fears), Heather (excessive talking), Holly (anger), Chicory (argumentative, self-absorbed), Vervain (high strung and determined to do things only his way) and Rescue Remedy (trauma of it all).

The meds he use to take for this illness NEVER could prevent it or calm him down (unless he was heavily drugged), then he was a zombie. His doctors and teachers have a difficult time believing this works but his improvement is the evidence. His alternative doctors are very pleased and supportive. He is the first child in our school district who has flower essences in the nurse’s office for emergencies instead of meds like the other children.
That was an effort to get them to accept this but we did prevail! Share the earth,
-Sarah Backus

Terrible twos
Rescue Remedy – an amazing product. We applied two drops to the tongue of a very upset and cranky two year old. Within 5 minutes she calmed down to the point of being able to eat a good dinner. Shortly after the dinner she dropped off for an hours’ nap. When she woke, she was a completely happy playful child, you would never have known she was the child from hell not one hour earlier.
-Jim from Keswick, Ontario

Truly a Miracle
I took 4 drops of Rescue Remedy® last night (for the 1st time) and was amazed. I felt positive results (sense of calm, sharper concentration, yet relaxed) I also slept so well and had wonderful lucid dreams–waking up refreshed for the first time in weeks. Having had “proof” of its efficacy, I am compelled to find out, and try out, more about Dr Bach’s flower essences. I live in Wisconsin; there are no local practitioners; yet I feel I’ve made a profound discovery and want to “do something” with it. Truly a miracle!

Canines with Epilepsy
Rescue Remedy® is widely used for canines who have epilepsy. Given during a seizure it can stop a seizure in midstream ( it has done for my dog Emma) Also given immediately after a seizure it stops the hours of postictal wandering that many owners of seizing dogs go through which in some cases can be more scary than the episode itself.

Marion Mitchell owner of Emma. Web poster child for Canine Epilepsy Read Emma’s story

Epil-K9’s website

I have just begun using the Bach Flower RescueCream for the scarring on my face from the PCOS caused acne, do you work for the company? If so, please let someone know that the cream is wonderful, I have only been using it a couple of weeks and the scars seem to be beginning to fade.

Curing Stomach Ache
My Mothers friend in England told her about Rescue Remedy®. Now she & her dog take it. I went over to my moms last weekend. I have constant stomach problems. I had been in terrible pain for four days. The pain was so severe that it kept me up at nights. Nothing I had taken eased the pain. My mother put one dropper full of Rescue Remedy® on my tongue and within 5 minutes the pain was completely gone. The pain had subsided all day into the early evening. I am a firm believer in Rescue Remedy®. It certainly worked for me! I went out and purchased some that following week.

Thanks so very much for inventing such a wonderful product! -Debbie

Hi Bettina
I just want to pass on a thank you to you and Bach Flower. We have our 16 yr old American Eskimo dog who has dementia. We have been unable to get much sleep this past week due to her agitated mood, whining and whimpering. Although we have used Rescue Remedy before on a cross country trip with our cats, I wasn’t as aware of how effective it would be on our dog. We bought a new bottle of spray and used it on her a couple nights ago. It seemed to work to calm her for a couple hours, but had to be repeated. In reading about animals with dementia, someone recommended using 3-4 drops in the water bowl. I bought a bottle of Rescue Remedy for Pets at Sprouts supermarket in Arizona yesterday and used it for the first time last night. She was calm the whole night… as were our cats. The first night in a long time we all slept well. Rescue Remedy is nothing short of a miracle!


Order the Bach Flower Remedies at