Is Your Brain Shrinking Due To Stress? What Are The Signs?

Is Your Brain Shrinking Due To Stress? What Are The Signs?

f reasons people trusted Bach Flower Remedies for over 80 years.

Researchers Discover the Telltale Signs and Unexpected Cause of Brain Shrinkage – Stress

Stress, fear, anxiety, panic, insomnia, and depression rob us, men and women, of our immediate quality of life.  Now a team of researchers from Yale University has discovered that if emotional imbalances persist or are severe enough, it causes reductions in the amount of gray matter in parts of the brain that control physiological and emotional functioning; potentially causing permanent emotional and cognitive impairment.  The report which was published in the journal Biological Psychiatry indicates that persistent emotional imbalances also reduce grey matter in parts of the brain that regulate physiological functions such as blood pressure and glucose levels.

What the Study Authors Believe

The lead author and assistant professor of psychiatry, Emily Ansell, believes that an increase in the number of stressful life events one endures could impact the individual’s ability to handle future stressful situations; a sentiment shared by Fellow Yale and Foundations Fund professor Rajita Sinha, who works in the Department of Neurobiology and the Yale Child Study Center.  Dr. Sinha said the study brings to light the increased importance of finding ways to help people cope with stress properly.  “The brain is dynamic and plastic and things can improve — but only if stress is dealt with in a healthy manner,” Sinha was quoted as saying. “If not, the effects of stress can have a negative impact on both our physical and mental health.”

Dr. Edward Bach’s Discoveries

Interestingly, the observation that emotional imbalances can be at the root of illness, disease or impaired healing was the trust behind the life and work of Dr. Edward Bach.  Dr. Bach practiced medicine in late 19th century as a renowned Harley Street general practitioner, surgeon, and researcher in bacteriology and immunology, says Bettina Rasmussen, CEO of

Emotional Balance for Healthier Minds and Bodies

Dr. Bach discovered 38 plant and flower remedies that help us balance our emotions and free us from stress, fear, anxiety and depression, continues Rasmussen.  Bach Flower has been a trusted name for over 80 years for its natural non-addictive remedies to treat the emotional imbalances behind stress, fears, and depression.

What Professionals and Celebrities Do

The Bach Flower Remedies have an enthusiastic following which includes Dr. Oz (Dr. Oz Show), Dr. Phil (Dr. Phil Show), Oprah Winfrey; and many public figures that live under a lot of stress, such as Selma Hayek, Emma Watson, Jennifer Anniston, Cate Blanche, Martha Stewart, and countless others.

Rasmussen says that Bach Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy can now be found in many health food and nutrition stores, or online at is the distributor for and it serves online (Internet) end-users and the retail and wholesale market with the Bach Flower Remedies, 38 remedies kits, books, displays, and marketing materials.

Dr. Oz (the Dr. Oz Show) suggests 7 tips that he finds useful to reduce stress.

Tips for Reducing Stress

  • Take More Restroom Breaks
  • Show Up Five Minutes Early
  • Change Your Stress Eating Habits
  • Quit Stress Drinking
  • Get Your Heart Pumping with Exercise
  • Make It a Comedy Night
  • Enjoy the Company of Friends

Media Contact:
Bettina Rasmussen
Tel. 800 214 2850

All the information shared on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. This website is not a replacement for the relationship you have with your healthcare provider.  Consult your physician or healthcare provider before taking any medication.